(Diamant de Semilly x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)

SFO – bay – 1,68m – 2005


ISO 174
BSO+23 (0.98)
XX = 60 %

not carrier

GP 160 CSIO5*
French Champion at 4 and 6 YO










❝  Rock’n Roll had a brilliant sport career, with multiple placings in 1.60m CSIO5* Grand Prix and an impressive ISO 174. He also stands among the top show jumping sires, qualified ELITE, thanks to his high-quality offspring, highly valued by their riders. He reliably passes on power, carefulness, energy, his outstanding willingness and excellent jumping technique, reflecting his great Original Selle Français bloodline : a direct son of Diamant de Semilly, he also inherits an exceptional maternal lineage known for its strong mind and top jumping ability. With 59% Thoroughbred blood, he brings scope, quality, and sharpness to his progeny. ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY IS A PROVEN SIRE YOU CAN TRUST.  


Rock’N Roll Semilly has a rich pedigree of 60,15% thoroughbred (cf. webpedigree)

HIS SIRE : DIAMANT DE SEMILLY : Recognized Best Selle Français Stallion, exceptional performer and classified Elite stallion

He is a son of LE TOT DE SEMILLY, one of the best sires in the world and famous international jumping winner, and a dam by Amarpour xx.
Great showjumping winner at CSIO and CSIW level, he was crowned : World Champion with the French team and 9th in the individual ranking (WEG Jerez 2002), France Champion 2002, Team silver medal at the 2003 European Championships, Winner of the 1999 French 1st Category jumping criterium.
ISO 184.

Diamant de Semilly is placed BEST SELLE FRANCAIS STALLION, ranked ELITE with a 100% "bet value" (ANSF ranking) BSO +25 (1,00) and BEST STALLION WORLDWIDE (WBFSH showjumping stallions rankings 2015 and 2016).

He differs very significantly from all other stallions by the average value of the indices of his offspring which, with impressive regularity, has been clearly superior for many years. BSO + 26 (1.00).

Quickly de Kreisker ISO 183 (JEM Normandie), Blood Diamond du Pont ISO 181, Joyau d’Opal ISO 181, Street Of Diamonds (ex-Kho de Presle) ISO 178, Polinska des Isles ISO 178 (CSIO5*), Vital Chance ISO 178, Pacific des Essarts ISO 177 (CSIO5*), Antidote de Mars ISO 176 (CSIO5*), Bond Jamesbond de Hay ISO 176, Niack de l'Abbaye ISO 175 (JEM Lexington, JO Londres), Arioto ISO 175, ROCK'N ROLL SEMILLY ISO 174 (CSIO5*), Asathir (ex. Tecla d'Auge) ISO 174 (CSIO5*), Piman de la Deviniere ISO 173, Ilex VP ISO 173 (CSIO5*), Prunella d'Ariel ISO 172 (JEM Normandie), Jésus de la Commune ISO 171, Picolo ISO 171, Venizia d'Aiguilly ISO 171, Obiwan de Piliere ISO 170, Tower Mouche ISO 170, Toledo de Kerser ICC 170 (médaille d'Or par équipe en complet aux JEM de Tryon), Deauville S (CSIO5*), Don VHP Z (CSIO5*), Dylon (CSI5*), Emerald (vainqueur des Sires of the World 7 ans 2011, vice-Champion du Monde des 6 ans Lanaken 2010, CSIO5*), Emilie de Diamant (CSIO5*), Erenice Horta (Championne de Belgique des 7 ans 2011, CSIO5*), Extra Van Essene (CSIO5*), Guv´nor (CSIO5*), Heliodor Hybris (CSIO5*), Inca Boy van't Vianahof (CSIO5*), Salamera de la Nutria (CSIO5*), Sunshine (CSIO5*), Utamaro d'Ecaussines (CSIO5*, JEM Normandie), KALASKA DE SEMILLY IE SO ISO 169 (JO Pékin 2008, JEM 2010, Médaille d’Argent Jeux Asiatiques 2010), Valentino Tuilière ISO 168, Urano de Cartigny ISO 168, Best of Iscla ISO 167, Verdi Treize ISO 167, Villamoura ISO 167, Lagon de l'Abbaye ISO 167, Safari d'Auge CSI5* ISO 167, Vinci de Beaufour ISO 167, Rubis de Preuilly ISO 167, Sweet de Beaufour ISO 167, Union de la Nutria ISO 167, Estrella de la Batia ISO 166, Oceane de Nantuel ISO 166, Vannan ISO 166, Un Diamant des Forets ISO 166, Dynastie de Beaufour ISO 165, Djagger Semilly ISO 165, Vega de la Roche ISO 165, Amant du Chateau ISO 164, OPEN UP SEMILLY ISO 162, Austin des Cedres ISO 162, Catchar Mail ISO 162, Viamant du Matz ICC 161, AWAY SEMILLY ISO 161, ANDIAMO SEMILLY ISO 155, ...

HIS 1st DAM : LA MARE: daughter of Apache d'Adriers, very big winner in CSIO

She is a filly of Apache d'AdriersCSIO winner himself, excellent sire of show jumpers, like : Kapitol d'Argonne 2006 World Championships for Italy, Idem de B'Neville who earned 208 411 euros in 2008, Madame Pompadour, Kanthaka de Petra, Karl de Lusse, etc. Apache d'Adriers is also wellknown as a great dam sire.

After have being successfully tested at 4YO, ISO 113, La Mare, has been used as a broodmare. She passes on with an amazing regularity top quality to her offspring. She has produced many very good showjumpers like the ones below. All have the same willingness, top rideability, great showjumping abilities.
In 2019, La Mare has been placed best dam of the French Young Jumpers Championships in Fontainebleau, with 5 products qualified and 3 placed among the best of their generation (Djagger, Evora et FUNKY MUSIC).

La Mare has produced :

  • 2002 Oriele de Keos
      • 2011 Baltimora du Sud, ISO 143, vice-championne d'Italie des 6ans 2017, 9ème du Championnat du Monde des 6ans à Lanaken   
      • 2012 Caraïbes du Sud, ISO 132, vice-championne des 5ans du CIR de Cluny
          • Jamaican Boy du Sud, ISO 128
      • 2014 Equatoria du Sud, ISO 119
      • 2015 Falkand du Sud, ISO 138
      • 2019 Jungle Heart du Sud, ISO 123
  • 2003 Peso de Keos, ISO 126
  • 2005 Reggae Semilly, ISO 118, Children
  • 2005 Rockman de l'Abbaye, ISO 143, CSI5* en Italie
  • 2005 ROCK'N ROLL SEMILLY, approved SF stallion, ISO 174 (GP CSIO5* 1,60m)
  • 2005 Rumba Semilly, exportée en Colombie
  • 2005 Rythmik Semilly, CSI en Suisse
  • 2006 Shilling de Keos, ISO 125
  •  2007 Tristale de Keos, ISO 113
      • 2015 Festival Semilly (1,55m CSIW5*) ISO 142 
  • 2008 Uriale de Keos
      • 2011 Bagaira de l'Abbaye, ISO 118
      • 2014 Eros de l'Abbaye, ISO 130
      • 2016 Gandy de l'Abbaye ISO 122
      • 2019 Jiva de l'Abbaye ICC 116
  • 2009 Vale de Keos
      • Izaro de l'Abbaye ISO 130
  • 2010 A l'Ore de Keos
      • 2016 Gotha de l'Abbaye, ISO 131
          • Jewell des Deux L, ISO 121
          • Kingslande du Lirot, ISO 120
  • 2011 Bodega Semilly, ISO 149, CSIOJ, 1,50m GP, Juniors European Championships in 2022, winner with the American team of the Junior Nations Cups final 2024
  • 2011 Brasilia de l'Abbaye (par Diamant), ISO 130
  • 2011 Brasilia de l'Abbaye (par Ugano Sitte), ISO 154, 2017 6 YO female France vice-champion, placed in 1,50m GP
      • 2011 Guarani Semilly, ISO 121
  • 2012 Chinook Semilly, ISO 144 at 6 YO then sold at a young rider 
  • 2012 Chouranga Semilly, ISO 131 at 5 YO then exported to Switzerland
  • 2013 Danakil Semilly, ISO 123 at 4 YO then sold at a young rider
  • 2013 Daytona Semilly, ISO 141at 6 YO then exported to USA
  • Dirhame de Keos
      • Hamsik Semilly, ISO 142 Very Good at 6 YO, placed in 7 YO Grand Prix
      • Kawaii Semilly, placed BEST 4 YO French jumper 2024, all included !
  • 2013 Djagger Semilly, approuved SF stallion, ISO 165, French champion of 5 YO to the EquitaLyon SHF final, Elite at 6 YO, CSI 1,55m with P.Leprévost  
  • 2014 Evora Semilly, ISO 130, 7th of the 2019 5 YO French Championship
  • 2014 Eiffel de l'Abbaye, ICC 120, ISO 115
  • 2015 Fandango Semilly, ISO 142
  • 2015 FUNKY MUSIC SEMILLY, ISO 141 SF approved stallion and full brother, World Champion team stallions at Valkenswaard, 2nd in individual
  • 2015 Funky de l'Abbaye, ISO 118 at 4 YO then exported to  puis exporté en Germany
  • 2018 Innuendo Semilly, ISO 129
  • 2018 Indie Rock Semilly, ISO 135 placed Very Good at 5 YO
  • 2018 Irish Music Semilly, ISO 122
  • 2019 Jive Dance Semilly, ISO 137 placed Very Good at 5 YO, triple-clear round in the World Stud-Books championship in Valkenswaard 2024
  • 2020 Key Of Love Semilly, IPO 117                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
HIS 2nd DAM : ORIELE DE LA MARE: French 6-year-old champion in 1986 under the saddle of Eric Navet

6 YO French Champion in 1986 with Eric Navet and then proved her potential at the highest level (ISO 150), before being used as a broodmare and generated excellent sport horses like :

  • 1989 Bis de la Mare, CSI, SF stallion
  • 1990 Cybèle de la Mare
      • 1994 Goelette de la Mare, ISO 134
          • 2006 Sangha du Jaolas, ISO 125
      • Khuriel de la Mare, ISO 148
      • Naiade du Haut Bois, ISO 125
  • 1992 Egerie de la Mare, ISO 103
      • 1999 Lady d'Argouges, ISO 129
      • 2002 Oreka d'Argouges, ISO 124
      • 2003 Pearl d'Argouges, ISO 121
      • 2005 Raia d'Argouges, ISO 125
      • 2009 Velours d'Argouges, ISO 145
      • 2011 Blue Bay d'Argouges, ISO 125
  • 1997 Jet de la Mare, CSI, ISO 132
HIS 3rd DAM : GOELETTE B: by the pur-sang Gaur (ISO 112)

She has also produced :

  • 1979 Né de la Mare, ISO 127
  • 1980 Oriele de la Mare, ISO 150
  • 1981 Pluriel de la Mare, agréé étalon SF
  • 1982 Quirièle de la Mare
      • 1986 Uriela de la Mare, ISO 132
          • 1996 Iana des Fontaines, ISO 127 
      • 1987 Vive de la Mare, ISO 111
          • 1994 Givre de Grée, ISO 127
          • 1995 Honneur de Grée, ISO 126
          • 2000 Magicienne de Grée, ISO 147
  • 1991 Doris de la Mare, ISO 134
  • 1993 Fée de la Mare, ISO 114
      • 2001 Nuidivine, ISO 149
      • 2002 Odivine, ISO 124
      • 2003 Ptidivin, ISO 140
  • 1995 Huriela de la Mare, ISO 123
      • 2008 Ultra du Grand Pre, ISO 126
  • 1995 Lurièle de la Mare, ICC118, ISO 121
      • 2016 Grolulu Berence, ISO 129

HIS 4th DAM : JACOTTE: by the pur-sang Suez

She has also produced :

  • 1964 Ubu du Roi, ICC 151
  • 1965 Vestale
      • 1970 Egerie II, ISO 149
  • 1966 Arès B, ISO 130
  • 1967 Bethsabée
      • 1972 Gisors, ISO 148
      • 1974 Illustrator, HN stallion
      • 1975 Jeroboam, HN stallion
      • 1977 Lychnis
          • 1985 Timorrak des Isles, ISO 141, HN stallion
          •  1988 Almach des Isles, ISO 137, SF stallion
          • 1995 Hydatis des Isles, ISO 136
          • 1997 Jalypso des Isles, ISO 123
      • 1979 Nathor, HN stallion
      • 1983 Remus des Isles, ISO 126, SF stallion
      • 1988 Astrée des Isles
          • 1994 Galaad des Isles, ISO 124 SF stallion
          • 2001 New Look des Blés, ISO 124
          • 2003 Pavarotti des Blés, ISO 143
  • 1968 Gorsaire V, ISO 126


ISO 174

ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY is a great showjumper placed in 1,60m Grand Prix CSIO5*, including : 7th of the GP CSIO5* Barcelone 2014, 2nd of the GP CSIO5* La Baule 2015, 5th of the GP CSIO5* Dublin 2015, 13th of the GP CSI5* Bale 2016, and also placed 6th in CSI5* Villach Treffen 2015, 1st of the 1,50m GP CSI2* Aachen 2016, preselected for Rio Olympic Games, 2nd of a 1,60m class in Dublin CSIO5* 2016, 8th of a 1,60m class in La Baule CSIO5* 2016, 6th of the 1,55m GP CSI5* Zurich 2018, 3rd of a 1,60m class in Hamburg CSI5* 2018, 6th of a 1,60m and 3rd of a 1,55m in Monte Carlo CSI5* 2018,

In 2018, ROCK’N ROLL regularly ranks in CSI5 * and further improves its index : ISO 174.


Other performances

In 2019,

After an excellent start (2nd of a 1,45m class and 11th of a 1,40m class in Gorla Minore CSI, 2nd of a 1,40m class, 3rd, 7th, 8th and 10th of 1,45m classes in Oliva CSI), ROCK’N ROLL came back to Haras de Semilly for the breeding season to cover in fresh semen. Still in very good health, he kept competiting around in parallel with the junior rider Dylan Levallois. He also proved then his great easiness and excellent willingness that he also passes on to his offspring.

In 2018,

ROCK’N ROLL is regularly placed in CSI5* : 1st of a 1,40m class and 6th of the 1,55m Grand Prix CSI5* in Zurich, 3rd of a 1,60m class in Hamburg CSI5*, 2nd of a 1,50m class in Shanghaï CSI5*, 4th in a 1,55m class in Chantilly CSI5*, 6th in 1,60m and 3rd in 1,55m classes in Monte Carlo CSI5*, 9th of a 1,55m class Estoril CSI5*, 1st of a 1,45m class and 12th in the Grand Prix CSI3* Oliva, 1st of a 1,45m class in Bonheiden CSI3*, 8th in a 1,45m class in Nörten-Hardenberg CSI3*, etc

    In 2017,

    After being stopped for several month due to a muscle strain in shoulder after stumbled at the reception when landing from a jump in the first show of the year, Rock’n Roll has returned to the international with several rankings : 1st in a1,45m class in Liege CSI3*, 3rd of the GP CSI2* in Lier, 2nd of 1,45m and 1,40m classes in Stockholm CSI4*, 6th of a 1,40m class in Bonheiden CSI3*, 8th of the GP CSI2* in Bonheiden.

    In 2016,

    ROCK’N ROLL won the Grand Prix 1,50m in Aachen CSI2* and was placed 5th in a 1,40m. Preselected for Rio Olympic Games, he was also 2nd of a 1,60m class in Dublin CSIO5*, 8th of a 1,60m class in La Baule CSIO5*, 13th in the 1,60m GP in Basel CSI5*, 13th in the 1,55m GP in Opglabbeek CSI3*, 8th in a 1,55m class in Valkenswaard CSI5*, 1st in a 1,50m class in Harthill Bolesworth CSI4*, 1st and 2nd in 1,50m class in Zandhoven CSI4*, etc.

    Read the article on ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY on the following link  : Article Rock’n Roll Grand Prix Magazine

    In 2015,

    ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY confirms his place at the top level, being placed 3rd of La Baule Grand Prix CSIO5*5th of Dublin Grand Prix CSIO5*, 6th of Treffen CSI5* He is also placed 2nd of a 1,50m class in Knokke, 4th of a 1,50-1,60m class in Dublin CSIO5*, 5th of a 1,50m in Aachen CSI5*, 5th of a 1,45m and 7th of a 1,50m class in Saint Tropez CSI5*, 5th of a 1,45m class and 10th of a 1,55m class in Madrid CSIO5* …

    In 2014,

    ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY is ridden by the Brazilian rider Marlon Modolo Zanotelli with whom he improves a lot and is already ranked 7th of Barcelona GP CSIO5*13rd of the Sires of the World in Lanaken, 8th of Roeser CSI3* GP, 10th of Bonheiden CSI2* GP, 2nd of a 1,40m class in Oliva CSI, …

     » ROCK’N ROLL is an exceptional showjumper. He has the strength, the carefulness and the great willingness of the top showjumpers. He is clever and very endearing.  » Marlon Modolo Zanotelli

    In 2012,

    ROCK’N ROLL has done a fantastic season for a 7YO : he won his first GP140 in Les Pieux, 3rd of the GP140 in VilledieuHe also wins the 7 YO GP in Deauville2nd of the GP130 and 9th of the GP135 in Greville Hague, 9th of the GP130 in Bayeux, 6th of the GP135 and 7th of GP130 in Brecey, 5th of the GP130 in Villedieu, 4th of the GP135 in Auvers, …

    In 2011,

    ROCK’N ROLL made his great come back in the 6 YO classes showing a lot of ease ! He is placed 7th in Auvers and is regularly clear-round. Qualified easily for the French Championships, he is sacred Champion of France of the 6 YO males ! It is a beautiful reward for this gifted showjumper and for all the breeders who trusted him since the beginning of his stallion career.

    ROCK’N ROLL had been operated on for inguinal hernia at the end of february 2010, so he couldn’t compete at 5 YO.

    In 2009,

    ROCK’N ROLL achieved a great showjumping season in the 4 YO classes and finished 4 YO Champion of Normandy. He is also sacred Champion of France of the 4 YO males out of more than 200 horses ! Ranked «  Elite ».
    With 14 clear rounds / 14, he realised a perfect showjumping season, combined with an exceptional breeding season for a 4 YO with more than 330 mares covered !

    Approved SF at the 2008 French 3 YO Stallion Championships. His qualities have been unanimously appreciated by the jury of the stallion test in December and he was one the most appreciated stallion of this approbation.

    For more info, photos and videos, click on: webstallions



    ELITE Sire of showjumpers

    ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY is placed ELITE Sire in France, which means that he is placed among the best 2% sires of showjumping winners. The average quality of the mares he has covered is lower than the ones of the other Sires placed in this ranking, which proves the quality and consistency of his offspring. 

    Rock’n Roll is regularly placed among the best Sires of showjumpers worldwide (cf. Hippomundo sires rankings select oldest offspring). 

    More than 78% of his sons which have competed in jumping classes have been indexed above the average (100), very often with young riders or amateur riders, like Arioso du Bois ISO 159 (GP CSI 1,60m, 1,50m winner), Atika des Hauts Vents ISO 158 (CSI5* 1,60m), Bacchus d’Ecames ISO 158 (Junior team European Champion, 3rd in individual), Brocéliande du Lac ISO 157 (5th 1,60m GP CSIO3* Drammen), Black’n Roll ISO 157 (placed in 1,50m GP with a young rider), Air Force One IPO 154 (approved AES pony stallion and 3rd best French 5-year-old pony 2015), Diabolo d’Encre ISO 151 (3rd 1,50m GP Villers Vicomte 2024), Alto du Roc ISO 151, Akile Top ISO 148 (6th 1,50m GP CSI3* St-Lô), Artichaut de Lolif ISO 148, Calipso de Kermorvan ISO 148 (1,50m GP), Diese de Pion Para ISO 148 (1,40m GP winner)

    And many others placed in CSI 1,50m : O-Kannarock (6th of the GPWC CSI3* Samorin 2023, 1,50m winner), Alizée Impériale ISO 143Banzaï de Vima ISO 138, Choppine du Bidou ISO 141, etc.

    In young horses classes : Illiz de Plabenn ISO 150 placed Very Good at the 5 and 6 YO French Championships, Hermione Idéale ISO 145 vice-champion of France of the 6 YO mares 2023, Gutchi de Moyon ISO 145 placed Very Good in the 6 YO French Championships 2022, Gordito de Mainguy ISO 142 placed Very Good in the 6 YO French Championships 2022 and now winner of the 1,50m GP of Pontivy 2024, Divine des Roques ISO 142 12th of the  6 YO French Championships 2019, placed Excellent, Flamenco de Moyon ISO 139 9th of the 6 YO French Championships 2021, placed Excellent,  Gabryelle de Créans ISO 137 8th of the 7 YO French Championships, etc.

    ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY began breeding in 2009. 
    He doesn’t pass on the Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome. He has been tested WFFS negativ.



    Arioso du Bois

    Rock'n Roll Semilly x Qredo de Paulstra

    Bacchus d'Ecames

    Rock'n Roll Semilly x L'Arc de Triomphe

    Atika des Hauts Vents

    Rock'n Roll Semilly x Scherif d'Elle

    Brocéliande du Lac

    Rock'N Roll x Persan II

    Black'n Roll

    Rock'n Roll Semilly x Burggraaf

    Diabolo d'Encre

    Rock'n Roll Semilly x Quaprice BoiMargot

    Amstrong de Moyon

    Rock'nRoll Semilly x Calypso de Moyon

    Appolon Bleu

    Rock'n Roll Semilly x Baloo de Camp

    Akile Top

    Rock'n Roll Semilly x Cincaba Rouge

    Atus d'Omonville

    Rock'n Roll Semilly x Socrate de Chivre

    Alizee Imperiale

    Rock'N Roll x Hurlevent Pironniere

    Canelle Levasniel

    Rock'n Roll X Quidam de Revel

    Choppine du Bidou

    Rock'n Roll X Aiglon Rouge

    Diane de Launay

    Rock'N roll x First de Launay

    Dièse de Pion Para

    Rock'n Roll X Quat'Sous

    Flamenco de Moyon

    Rock'n Roll X Narcos II

    Hard Rock del Colle

    Rock'n Roll x Clinton

    Further information

    Article du Hors-Serie de l’elevage de l’Eperon (2019)

    Read the article of April 2016 on Rock’n Roll Semilly on the following link : Article Rock’n Roll GP Magazine

    Among his first indexed offspring, we noticed :

    A’Rock Torcy ISO 124, A’Rocky ISO 121, Aladin de l’Epine ISO 123, Alesia de l’Aumone ISO 122, Alesia du Bocage ISO 128, Alice de l’Yserand ISO 126, Alidee de Lacke ISO 125, Alidée du Gonge ISO 141, Alinea de Gasco ISO 121, Alkapone Lady ISO 130, All Star Océan ISO 122, Alone de Laume ISO 122, Alpachino Lady ISO 126, Alrock du Bois ISO 137, Altesse de Piquet ISO 135, Alto du Roc ISO 151, Aceituna Negra ISO 121,  Ambre des Saules ISO 137, Angie de la Lande ISO 122, Anouchka du Grand Pré ISO 125, Api la Bohème ISO 143, Appel du Soulaire ISO 128, Ar Rock Kerlebert ISO 124, Ardent de l’Airou ISO 125, Ariane du Prieure ISO 120, Aribo d’Avel ISO 132, Aristo de Paq ISO 124, Aristo de Theyssamy ISO 138, Armony de Leurven ISO 125, Arsenic du Fief ISO 123, Artiste de Roye ISO 135, Arwen du Heynef ISO 123, Asclepia du Theil ISO 135, Ascot Heutière ISO 123, Astonic ISO 126, Astro de la Crue ISO 130, Athena des Chaumes ISO 124, Athena du Val Gris ISO 127, Atlas du Thot ISO 128, Au Dela de Kergoet ISO 141, Australie Pernelle ISO 123, Axterix de Belaire ISO 121, Azur d’Origny ISO 125, Azur de Béthune ISO 124, Azur de Louans ISO 120, Azur du Logis ISO 121, Bacchus d’Ecames ISO 132, Bakchich Chutelière ISO 121, Baladin de la Croix ISO 122, Balinca ISO 127, Banzai de Vima ISO 134, Bellange de Breizh IPO 123, Bibiche de Coat Men ISO 133, Bilbao du Chene Ossa ISO 127, Bolero de la Bride ISO 121, Bolide de Laume ISO 122, Brenda de l’Yserand ISO 124, Brune de Nesque ISO 126, Bruyere du Noe ISO 123, Bugaty de l’Abbaye ISO 120, Cali de Claids ISO 146, California Roll ISO 131, Caliska de Premol ISO 122, Calipso de Kermorvan ISO 151, Calyska des Landes ISO 120, Camarocka de l’O ISO 137, Canelle de Vesquerie ISO 136, Cannelle Lesvaniel ISO 129, Cap de Saire ISO 124, Capella de Nuit ISO 121, Carbinia ISO 144, Cassiopee Rimbourgere ISO 132, Cassis de la Chatre ISO 134, Casting Star ISO 126, Chakira Semilly ISO 134, Charleston de St Eloi ISO 124, Chic de B’Neville ISO 137, Choppine du Bidou ISO 141, Cobra de l’Abbaye ISO 120, Coldplay of Cilla ISO 120, Condor d’Elle ISO 131, Control de Pelice ISO 121, Courtisane Sine ISO 129, Crack des Pres ISO 122, Cyberiane Spiceen ISO 128, Dance de Laurvalle ISO 123, Danseur des Roys ISO 124, Darling d’Or ISO 124, Darwin du Tillet ISO 133, Devise d’Elle ISO 129, Diabolo d’Encre ISO 144, Diapason Barbotière ISO 127, Diese de Pion Para ISO 148, Diva du Parc ISO 130, Divine des Roques ISO 142 et 12ème du championnat de France des juments de 6 ans SF en 2019, Double One des MC ISO 125, Douchka de Chamant ISO 128, Draupnir de Camali ISO 139, Duchesse de Baulos ISO 124, Damoiselle Froufrou ISO 131, Dulcinee Platière ISO 124, Echezo du Jaolas ISO 124, Eden Rock du Sabley ISO 132, Edwina de Favi ISO 131, Fairplay de Galike ISO 132, Fantaisie de Montigny ISO 133, Fidji de la Butte ISO 139, Filou des Monts ISO 123, Flamenco de Moyon ISO 139, Fracas du Bocage ISO 128, Full Moon des Bee ISO 132, Gabrielle de Creans ISO 126, Gailuron du Parc ISO 122, Galya de Fey ISO 121, Gavotte de Rance ISO 121, Gente Dame Desmeneaux ISO 123, Ghana du Reversey ISO 123, Glamour d’As ISO 121, Gordito de Mainguy ISO 142, Gutchi de Moyon ISO 145, Hamesoeur de la Mure ISO 124 …

    The Rock’N Roll offspring is also distinguished in eventing:  Aceituna Negra 1er du CCI3* de Pratoli del Vivaro 2019, ICC 139, Cannabis de la Bride ICC 124, Cupidon du Cardonne ICC 138.

    In 2019, Gavotte de Rance finished 2nd of the 3YO SF female French Championships.

    More products from Rock’n Roll

    The exeptional quality of his offsprings placed him directly among the Best Sires rankings in France and even Worldwide in France (among all Sires) and even Worldwide (in his age category). Such a meteoric rise reminds the ones of his sire, Diamant de SemillyThe impressive quality of his dam line which has produced several showjumping winners, also explains his quality. He passes on to his offspring his top rideability, reactivity, sound strong bones, powerful hocks and powerful backs which move very well, releasing back legs very high naturally. He produces great showjumpers which always try to give their best. He is a safe bet.

    PLACED IN 1,60m GP CSI5*








    You can bring your mare to France for being inseminated.
    In this case, the stud fee is divided in two parts :

    €236 at booking
    €1500 excl. VAT

    due when the mare returns to its country of origin

    Live Foal Guarantee

    Fresh semen available at Haras de Semilly
    Chilled and frozen semen available in other IA centres

    At Haras de Semilly, the inseminations and scans are included.

    Sales conditions –  France   🇫🇷

    Further information

    It is also possible to send frozen and/or chilled semen to another french AI center (shipping costs to add).


    Towards foreign countries, we can send you the semen directly or through our broker if there is one who works for us in your country with 2 different options:


    €1,700 Live Foal Guarantee



    €1,700 for
    3 doses
    sold under contract (ICSI, live foal guarantee, taxes, shipment and cost for the health certificate excluded). 1 dose is sold with 1 Breeding Certificate and a maximum number of 1 foal born.

    Contact us by email 

    The doses’ quality is certified by Eurogen and Rock’N Roll Semilly has excellent fertility.

    ISO : Showjumping Index
    ICC : Eventing Index
    IDR : Dressage Index
    IE : exported horses ranked in international classes CSI /CSIO / CSIW

    100 to 120 : Good
    120 to 140 : Very Good
    140 to 160 : Excellent
    160 and more : The Best

    Generations of Horsemen in the service of breeding and equestrian sports

    Haras de Semilly
    Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier
    50680 COUVAINS

    Email :
    Phone : +33(0)233053144
    Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887149
    Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887151