(Casall x Goldfever x Baloubet du Rouet)
SF – chestnut – 1,65m – 2018
❝ Idefix de Courtis is a charismatic son of the great showjumping winner and Elite Sire Casall, crossed with one the best SF dam line from which also come from the Olympic Champion 2016 with the French team, Rahotep de Toscane and the individual vice-Champion of the World 2002 Dollar du Murier.❞


Idéfix de Courtis has a rich pedigree of 50,04% thoroughbred (Cf.webpedigree)
HIS SIRE : CASALL: Legendary Champion in the Top Best World Stallions
Casall will remain in the showjumping history with an impressive 15 victories in 1,60m Grand Prix CSI5* and rankings in all the big championships of the last past years under the saddle of Rolf-Goran Bengtsson.
Casall rises up the ladder of the World Sires rankings. He was placed 3rd in the WBFSH jumping sire ranking 2018-2019-2021. Several horses of the offspring of Casall are international showjumpers like Casello, who has done OG at Rio with his rider Ludger Beerbaum and some stallions approved like Zavall VDL CSIO5*, Caracas CSIO5*, etc.
HIS DAM: EHTAMIN FONTAINE : Idefix is her first offspring
She also produced:
- Inoui de Courtis ( x Diamant de Semilly)
- Kabri de Courtis ( x Quabri de l’Isle)
HIS 2nd DAM: ALYA DE TOSCANE : By the Legendary Champion Baloubet du Rouet
Elle also produced Homam de Courtis ISO 113.
HIS 3rd DAM: KARLA DE TOSCANE: from which come from several international performers
She also produced :
- 2002 Only de Toscane, ISO 124
- 2003 Perle de Talma
- 2006 Symphonie de Talma, ISO 137
- 2011 Bolero de Talma, ISO 130
- 2014 Edene du bidou, ISO 141
- 2008 Urane de Talma, ISO 157
- Booguie Night, ISO 140
- 2009 Vestmalle des Cotis, ISO 166 CSI5*
- 2011 Baltika des Cotis ISO 133
- 2006 Symphonie de Talma, ISO 137
- 2004 Quarela de Toscane, ISO 162 CSIO4*
- 2008 Ursula de Toscane
- 2012 Chagall de Toscane, ISO 134
- 2008 Ursula de Toscane
- 2006 Starella de Toscane
- 2016 Charme de Toscane, ISO 139
- 2014 Epice de Talma, ISO 132
- 2015 Fastourelle de Talma ISO 124
- 2007 Tchinella de Toscane
- 2011 Barilla de Toscane
- 2015 Flash de Talma ISO 124
- 2012 Cristalle Raye, ISO 128
- 2011 Barilla de Toscane
- 2009 Vanella de Toscane, ISO 127
- 2010 alya de Toscane, ISO 132
- 2012 Caledonie de Toscane
- 2016 Graphit du Caillou, ISO 128
- 2013 Dieze de Toscane, ISO 134
HIS 4th DAM: FANNY DU MURIER: dam of many international winners such as Jadis de Toscane, Rahotep de Toscane... and bloodline of the famous stallion Dollar du Murier
Elle also produced:
- 1997 Jadis de Toscane, ISO 168 stallion, CSI5*
- 1997 Jasper de Toscane, ISO 122
- 1998 Karla de Toscane, ISO 154
- 2002 Ombre de Toscane
- 2006 Songe de Toscane, ISO 147, stallion
- 2007 Tchao de Toscane, ISO 133
- 2007 Tchouck de Toscane, ISO 136
- 2007 Telk de Toscane, ISO 147
- 2007 Treve de Toscane, ISO 125
- 2011 Braise de Toscane, ISO 125
- 2008 Ukidam du Borget, ISO 125
- 2010 Akkato du Borget, ISO 142
- 2011 Blue Magic du Borget, ISO 128
- 2012 Cullinan du Borget, ISO 134
- 2012 Cupcake du Borget
- 2015 Full Option du Borget, ISO 126
- 2013 Darc Star du Borget, ISO 127
- 2004 Quarmen de Toscane
- 2011 Bilitis des Lys
- 2015 Fouquets de Champloue, ISO 145
- 2016 Darling de Lys
- 2016 Geisha des Lys, ISO 125
- 2016 Gold des Lys, ISO 127
- 2015 Falbala des Lys, ISO 127
- 2016 Galoway des Lys, ISO 123
- 2011 Bilitis des Lys
- 2004 Querio de Toscane, ISO 143
- 2005 Rahotep de Toscane, ISO 172 stallion, team Olympic Champion (Rio de Janeiro)
- 2005 Riviera de Toscane, ISO 143
- 2011 Broadway de Mormoulin, ISO 158 stallion
- 2012 Clindoeil a Mormoulin, ISO 120
- 2007 Talma de Toscane
- 2014 Easy Star de Talma, ISO 129
- 2008 Ucello de Toscane, ISO 122
- 2008 Unella de Toscane
- 2014 Elliot de Talma, ISO 135
- 2010 Allegria de Toscane, ISO 125
- 2010 Arezzo de Toscane, ISO 134
- 2012 Cristal de Toscane, ISO 129
- 2013 Diego de Toscane, ISO 127
- 2013 Djahil de Toscane, ISO 120
Many performers come from her broodmare, such as : the stallion Dollar du Murier (team winner at the OG in Jerez de la Frontera in 2002 ridden by Eric Navet ; CSIO5*), Darius (winner of the Grand Prix of Nantes and the CSIW with d’Eric Navet); Umoa du Murier (IE SO, ISO 151), Pegase du Murier ISO 176 stallion; Guarani du Murier ISO 161; Tokyo de Saint Fray ISO 171 (CSI5* with C. Ahlmann)

His sire

Dollar du Murier

Tokyo de Saint Fray

Rahotep de Toscane

Jadis de Toscane
IDEFIX DE COURTIS has been approved Selle Français Stallion after the 3-years-old stallions France Championship at the end of 2021, and was qualified « VERY PROMISING« .
In 2022, he has been qualified easily for the SF 4YO jumpers Championship of France.
In 2023, he takes part into the national 5YO classes.
In 2024, with 12 clear rounds, Idefix is finalist of the 6YO French Championship.
He started breeding in 2022
Idefix de Courtis is a SF stallion, qualified « VERY PROMISING » who belongs to the « Young Male Genetic SF program« of the Selle Français studbook.
Idefix has a very good jumping technique. He is careful, has a lot of strength behind, scope and energy. He moves very well with a very good balance, suppleness, elasticity and tonicity.
Like his sire Casall, he should cross well with tall mares with a long top line.

You can bring your mare to France for being inseminated.
In this case, the stud fee is divided in two parts :
€236 at booking
€750 excl. VAT
due when the mare returns to its country of origin
€236 at booking
€850 excl. VAT
due 48h after foaling
Live Foal Guarantee
Frozen semen
Sales conditions – France 🇫🇷
Further information
It is also possible to send frozen and/or chilled semen to another french AI center (shipping costs to add).

The doses’ quality is garantee and certified by EUROGEN
ISO : Showjumping Index |
100 to 120 : Good |

Generations of Horsemen in the service of breeding and equestrian sports
Haras de Semilly
Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier
Email :
Phone : +33(0)233053144
Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887149
Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887151