(Le Tôt de Semilly x Elf III x Amarpour xx)
SFO – bay – 1,73m – 1991
BSO+22 (0.99) – ELITE
BCC+16 (0.88)
XX = 55 %
BEST SIRE Worldwide (WFSH jumping sires rankings 2023 – 2016 – 2015 and Hippomundo jumping sires rankings 2023 – 2022 – 2017 – 2015)
ISO 184
GP 1.60m CSIO5 *
French Champion 2002
World champion by team and 9th in individual.
not carrier
OCD free and its longevity confirms its solidity

❝ For the 11th year in a row, Diamant de Semilly ranks in the world’s top show jumping sires podium (WBFSH & Hippomundo). A true legend, both as a performer and Sire. With an outstanding fertility, he passes on his exceptional qualities with remarkable consistency. His offspring inherit his powerful back, excellent canter, balance, blood, strength, suppleness, and outstanding rideability. Which make them highly sought after. DIAMANT REMAINS THE UNDISPUTED REFERENCE IN BREEDING. ❞


Diamant de Semilly Semilly has 55% thoroughbred blood in his pedigree (cf. webpedigree)
HIS SIRE: LE TOT DE SEMILLY : A sure bet for breeding, exceptional performer and breeder.
One of the best sire in the world.
Famous international jumping winner. ISO 177
He began to produce in 1985.He produced more than1000 jumping winners and 70 stallions. He has now more than 77% of its offspring which is indexed among those which are older enough for being indexed, and more than 420 present an ISO higher than 120, which is exceptional !
His outstanding offspring includes DIAMANT DE SEMILLY ISO 184, Itot du Château ISO 193, Picsou du Chêne ISO 176, Ismailia de Lormette ISO 173, Item de Quintin IE SO, ISO 173, QUEBRACHO SEMILLY ISO 171, Nervoso ISO 170, Ultimée du Chemin IE SO, Useful III IE SO, Venezuelian IE SO, Ashley (ex-Alizé des Isles) IE SO, Azrael des Joncs IE SO, Bad Boy du Bustelo IE SO, Boléro de Brecey ISO 172 et Birdy du Gisors ISO 152 (étalons HN médaillés d'or par équipe Championnat d'Europe jeunes cavaliers 1997), Chatheiline IE SO, Clifden d'Aubetin IE SO, Crack de Prissey IE SO, Danoso de la Haye IE SO, Desde Casa IE SO, Diam's de Quintin IE SO, Dohitzun Guernica IE SO (qualifié pour les JEM 2002), Duna de Roche IE SO, Dyaka de Semilly IE SO, Elkintot IE SO (18ème aux JEM 2002), Eloïse de Semilly ISO 140, IE SO (qualifiée pour les JEM 2002 sous les couleurs de l'Australie), Eros du Charme IE SO, Esther du Château IE SO, Etoile du Château IE SO, Evaie des Cabanes IE SO, Fétiche du Pas ISO 149 (champion de France des 6 ans), Fidélio de Ravel ISO 169, IE SO, Fidji du Fleury ISO 167 (étalon SBS, IE SO), Fitskeria Guernica IE SO, Flamenco de Semilly IE SO, Frisson de Balme ISO 153, Fugue d'Helby IE SO, Démon des Etisses ISO 158, Giotto II ISO 161, Haida du Castillon IE SO, Hamilton de Survil IE SO, Hardy Plardière IE SO, Harlem de Mescam IE SO, Heros de Sede IE SO, Hopi du Tillard IE SO, Idéal de Prissey ISO 170 (Champion de France des 6 ans), Idéal du Valon ISO 154, If du Reverdy IE SO, Eurocommerce Vancouver (ex : Isard du Rietz) IE SO, ISO 152, Ixone de la Sée IE SO, Jalby Dorcel IE SO, Jasper Bleu ISO 162, Jerico II IE SO, Jouvencelle de Thurin IE SO, Jumping du Rozel IE SO, ISO 160, Koi d'Herbourg IE SO, Korto Maltese ISO 156, Lambre du Chêne ISO 167, Lubie du Plessis IE SO, Lucky Luke du Pas IE SO, Dandy du Marais II ISO 154, Magnun du Verron ISO 153, Météorite IE SO, Nagir ISO 160, Newton de Vains ISO 155, Nienzo du Mirador IE SO, Nils de Lojou ISO 151, Osiris du Goyen ISO 161, Pebbles d'Yzenbeeck IE SO, ISO 160, Pigmalion du Rozel ISO 166, Quenndal de Lojou ISO 159, Regard de Riverland IE SO, Rocco de Bonce IE SO, Vulcano IE SO, etc.
The breeders who love the great damlines will appreciate the one of OKAVANGO SEMILLY, one of the Best of the Selle Français studbook !
HiS 1st DAM : VENISE DES CRESLES: Diamant is her only offspring.
DIAMANT DE SEMILLY is her only offspring.
She has also produced :
- 1984 Sabine des Cresles
- 1998 Kristal de Margil, ICC 139
- 2000 Mister des Cresles, ISO 123
- 1998 Kristal de Margil, ICC 139
- 1985 Tania des Cresles
- 1998 Kara du Bocage, ISO 123
- 1997 Joliesse du Bocage
- 2014 Estoril Sissart ISO 124
- 2014 Estoril Sissart ISO 124
- 1998 Kara du Bocage, ISO 123
- 1986 Une des Cresles, ISO 163, IE SO
- 1988 Adonis des Cresles, ISO 132
She has also produced :
- 1969 Duc de la Vigne, ISO 142
- 1980 Olympe des Cresles, ISO 121
- 1982 Quinou des Cresles, ISO 134
- 1983 Réséda des Cresles
- 1991 Déesse des Cresles, ISO 145
- 1998 Kama des Cresles, ISO 159
- 1991 Déesse des Cresles, ISO 145
- 1984 Sérénad des Cresles
- 1988 Alpha des Cresles, ISO 137
- 1990 Cabri des Cresles, ISO 136
- 1992 Emir des Cresles, IE SO
- 1993 Fakir des Cresles, ISO 129
- 1994 Girl des Cresles, ISO 121
- 1997 Jolita des Cresles, ISO 135
- 1998 Kohinoor des Cresles, ISO 141
- 1999 Leader des Cresles, ISO 123
- 1988 Alpha des Cresles, ISO 137
- 1985 Tabac des Sevres, ISO 124
- 1986 Ultra des Cresles, ISO 133
- 1988 Ariane des Cresles
- 1992 Elite des Cresles, ISO 132
- 1996 Ilyade des Cresles, ISO 127
- 1998 Kenzo des Cresles , ISO 124
- 2000 Milliard des Cresles, ISO 141
- 2005 Rolls des Cresles, IDR 120
- 1992 Elite des Cresles, ISO 132
- 1989 Bella des Cresles, ISO 145, IE SO
- 1998 Keepcool, ISO 134
- 1998 Korto Maltese, ISO 156, private stallion
- 1998 Keepcool, ISO 134
- 1995 Haifa des Cresles
- 2016 Giulio du Ter, ISO 149
- 2016 Giulio du Ter, ISO 149
- 1997 Jorki des Cresles, ISO 128
- 1980 Olympe des Cresles, ISO 121
2002 Team WORLD CHAMPION and 9th in individual
Champion of France 2002
Team silver medal in 2003 European Championships
ISO 184
Unforgettable International Showjumper at the highest level ridden by Eric Levallois. His great potential has been revealed in 1999 when he was France’s 1st Category Champion at the jumping criterium. Regularly ranked in international classes since (1st 1999 Saint-Lô GP CSI, winner of the Stallion World Championship in 1999 Caen CSI, preselected for Atlanta Olympic Games 2000, 4th in Lummen and Modena Nations Cups 2001, 8th Munchen and Saint-Lô GP CSI, etc.), he arrived at the top level in 2002 : World Champion with the French team (9th in the individual ranking) and Champion of France after a great showjumping season (11 clear rounds over 12 in Nations Cups within Rome, Aachen, Donaueschingen). He confirms in 2003 by winning team silver medal at the European Championships in Donaueschigen.
« There are no words to describe Diamant… His such an exceptional horse in every respect… Diamonds are forever and he will also ! » Eric Levallois.

Other performances
In 2004, after a good start (winner of Auvers GP CSI), he has been selected on the short list for Athens Olympic Games, but because of a tendinitis he had to stop to compete for a while. He ended successfully the 2005 showjumpig season winning the two GP CSI*** of Saint-Lô and Caen. In 2006, 3rd of Auvers CSI** GP, 1st of Pioltello CSI*** GP, 3rd of Cervia CSI*** GP, 3rd of Normandy Horse Show GP, he ended very well by winning the GP of Liège CSI**** !
DIAMANT DE SEMILLY is placed N°1 in the jumping Sires World rankings and for the tenth year in a row, he has placed in the top 3. He is also placed Best Sire of jumping Sires worldwide since 2019. Since 2020 he also joined the top 10 of eventing Sires World Ranking. No one’s ever seen a Sire which passes on so many qualities with such regularity to his offspring for so many years : it’s amazing!
BEST SIRE WORLDWIDE WBFSH Show Jumping Sires Rankings 2023, 2015 and 2016, 2nd in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 3rd in 2014 and 2024.
BEST SIRE WORLDWIDE Hippomundo Show Jumping Sires Rankings 2024, 2023, 2022, 2017 et 2015, 2nd in 2016, 2020, 2021, 3rd in 2018 et 2019.
DIAMANT DE SEMILLY is also placed :
BEST SELLE FRANCAIS STALLION, ranked ELITE with a 100% “bet value”
Best Sire of jumping winners in France
Best French Dam Sire
Best Sire of Sires Worldwide since 2019
DIAMANT DE SEMILLY is also ranked among the best sires of jumpers in Germany which includes the Top 1% ! (Let’s read this ranking)
DIAMANT has already produced more than 2500 showjumping winners in France and many other ones abroad, including 230 which have competed in 1,60m classes.
95% of his French offspring which have competed in jumping classes have been indexed which is exceptional and proves that Diamant is the best improver Sire.
WILLINGNESS – POWER – BALANCE – BLOOD – SOUNDNESS : his offspring has the most important things the riders look forward and is then usually very well sold.
Further information
Mind – Balance – Power – Energy : THE TOP !
These are the characteristics of the phenomenal production of this exceptional stallion !
BSO +25(1.00)
In June 2014 and again in March 2015, a son of Diamant de Semilly, the Selle Français QUICKLY DE KREISKER, becomes the BEST SHOWJUMPER IN THE WORLD under the saddle of the Moroccan rider Abdelkebir Ouaddar (WBFSH rankings).
Diamant de Semilly has already produced more than 2800 jumping winners indexed in France and so many others in foreign countries. Due to the pourcentage of his offspring indexed in showjumping and the good level of those indexes, Diamant is the SF stallion who improves the most the quality of his offspring ! He has also already produced more than 150 stallions approved.
Among its best products we will remember :
Quickly de Kreisker ISO 183 (WEG Normandie), Blood Diamond du Pont ISO 181, Joyau d’Opal ISO 181, Street Of Diamonds (ex-Kho de Presle) ISO 178, Polinska des Isles ISO 178 (CSIO5*), Vital Chance ISO 178, Pacific des Essarts ISO 177 (CSIO5*), Antidote de Mars ISO 176 (CSIO5*), Bond Jamesbond de Hay ISO 176, Niack de l’Abbaye ISO 175 (WEG Lexington, OG Londres), Arioto ISO 175, ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY ISO 174 (4YO and 6YO Champion of France, CSIO5*), Asathir (ex. Tecla d’Auge) ISO 174 (CSIO5*), Piman de la Deviniere ISO 173, Ilex VP ISO 173 (CSIO5*), Prunella d’Ariel ISO 172 (WEG Normandie), Jésus de la Commune ISO 171, Alcapone des Carmilles ISO 171, Picolo ISO 171, Venizia d’Aiguilly ISO 171, Obiwan de Piliere ISO 170, Tower Mouche ISO 170 (Première place par équipe de la Coupe des Nations au CSIO5* de Dublin en 2016), Toledo de Kerser ICC 170 (Team Gold medal in WEG eventing of Tryon), Deauville S (CSIO5*), Don VHP Z (CSIO5*), Dominator Z (2nd CSIOW5* 1,60m Leipzig 2020), Diarado (Holstein Stallions Champion in 2007 et 10th at the WBFSH 2020 jumping ranking), Dylon (CSI5*), Emerald (winner of the 2011 7YO Sires of the World, 2010 6 YO vice-World Champion in Lanaken, CSIO5*), Elvis Ter Putte (4th of Sires of the World 7YO 2011, 6th of the 2010 6YO World Championship, CSIO5*), Hussah T.M. (ex. Tia Semilly, CSIO5*), Emilie de Diamant (CSIO5*), Charly Brown (CSIO5*), Erenice Horta (7YO Belgium’s champion, CSIO5*), Extra Van Essene (CSIO5*), Guv´nor (CSIO5*), Heliodor Hybris (CSIO5*), Inca Boy van’t Vianahof (CSIO5*), Salamera de la Nutria (CSIO5*), Sunshine (CSIO5*), Utamaro d’Ecaussines (2nd of the 2011 7YO Sires of the World, WEG Normandie), Urano de Cartigny ISO 168 (2013 5YO males Champion of France, CSIO5*), KALASKA DE SEMILLY IE SO ISO 169 (OG Pékin 2008, WEG 2010, Silver Medal at the Asian Games 2010), Oak Grove’s Darshan (ex. Boreal de Nantuel, 2017 6 YO vice-world Champion, 2nd CSIO5* 1,60m Abu dhabi 2020) ISO 169, Valentino Tuilière ISO 168, Best of Iscla ISO 167, Verdi Treize ISO 167, Villamoura ISO 167, LAGON DE L’ABBAYE ISO 167, Safari d’Auge ISO 167 (2010 4YO males Champion, CSI5*), Vinci de Beaufour ISO 167, Rubis de Preuilly ISO 167 (CSIO5*), Sweet de Beaufour ISO 167, Union de la Nutria ISO 167, Estrella de la Batia ISO 166, Oceane de Nantuel ISO 166, Vannan ISO 166, Un Diamant des Forets ISO 166 (2013 5YO males French vice-Champion), Dynastie de Beaufour ISO 165, Djagger Semilly ISO 165, Vega de la Roche ISO 165, Perle du Marais ISO 165, Monark ISO 164, Must Jourdanière ISO 164, Amant du Chateau ISO 164, Peanuts de Beaufour ISO 164, Rackham’Jo ISO 164 (2010 5YO males’s champion), Lavillon ISO 164 (6YO Champion of France critérium), Quito de Kerglenn ISO 164, Undiams de Varenne ISO 164, Muscaris d’Ariel ISO 163 (3rd of the 2007 7YO World Championship in Lanaken), Jao de Graffan ISO 163, Quapitola de Beaufour ISO 163, Nectar des Forêts ISO 163 (2008 7YO Champion of France), Radja d’Artemis ISO 163 (CSIO5*), Sherie Star ISO 163, OPEN UP SEMILLY ISO 162, Leandros de Semilly ISO 162, Lonesome Diams Hogue ISO 162, Vitot Kervec ISO 162, Austin des Cedres ISO 162, Catchar Mail ISO 162 (étalon), Queen Girl Kervec ISO 162, Valkiry de Zance ISO 162, Quointreau un Prince ISO 162 (5YO vice-Champion of France in 2009, CSIO), Viamant du Matz ICC 161, AWAY SEMILLY ISO 161, …
Also :
Kola de Leurven ISO 161, Very Chic du Tillard ISO 161, Onestar du Mesnil ISO 160, Vendome d’Anchat ISO 160, Confidence d’Ass ISO 160, Usa de Riverland ISO 160, E Pleasure de Beaufour ISO 160, Twig du Veillon ISO 160, Sheriff de la Nutria(mx) ISO 160 (CSIO5*), Delvaux de Muze(be) ISO 160, Quaprica d’Aveyron ISO 159, Tiny Toon Semilly CSI5* ISO 159, Saphir des Chayottes ISO 159 (CSIO5*), Amethyste du Coty ISO 159 (2014 4 YO French Champion), Cadum de Champloue ISO 159, Quisas Diamant ISO 158, A Futee de Wy ISO 158, Absolut de Lacke ISO 158, Royalty du Genet ISO 158, Pacha du Fort ISO 157 (WEG Normandie), Dream de Beaufour ISO 157, Topaze Latour ISO 157, FIFTY FIFTY SEMILLY ISO 157, Virtuoso Semilly ISO 157, Quebec un Prince ISO 157, Valkyrie de Talma ISO 157, Vendetta Treize ISO 157, Morgane de Nouvo Lieu ISO 156, Un Diamant d’Azif ISO 156, Pilig de Lojou ISO 156, Saphir du Talus ISO 156 (CSIO5*), Claudio Fizz ISO 156, Fulgurant de Lolivier ISO 156, Uddy de Vernay ISO 156, Ut Majeur de Brecey ISO 156, Norton de Vains ISO 156, Keo II ISO 155, Une Futée de Wy ISO 155, Tintin de la Pomme ISO 155, Quito du Vilpion ISO 155, Kolchic du Donjon ISO 155, ANDIAMO SEMILLY ISO 155 (2014 4YO Champion of France), Right Now Semilly ISO 154, Airmes des Baleines ISO 154, Aloha de Presle ISO 154, Viamdios d’Avril ISO 154, Ketmye du Bois ISO 154, Volver de la Vigne ISO 154, Prestige de Lannay ISO 153, Quarck dei Prati ISO 153 (CSIO5*), Uto Kervec ISO 153 (CSIO5*), Utopia Montgothier ISO 153, Shana de Kerglenn ISO 153 (2013 7YO Championne of France), Rosa du Coisel ISO 153, Vert Degris ISO 153, Ratina Kervec ISO 152 (6YO female vice-champion), Typie ISO 152, Upper ISO 152, Unzip d’Ick ISO 152, Azur de Lannay ISO 152, Ashes and Snow ISO 152, Pacha de Preuilly ISO 152, Paola du Terroir ISO 152, Rolf des Grez ISO 152, Nelson de Perraz ISO 151, Usika ISO 151, Uyoucouncoun Hogue ISO 151, Verboise Margot ISO 151, Ondéo de Pilière ISO 151, Voltaire du Mads ISO 151, Voice de Chenaie ISO 151, Atlanta de Roy ISO 151, Undercover ISO 151, Putch des Isles ISO 151, Usika ISO 151, Bulgari de Carva ISO 151, Ut de Menjo ISO 151, Dotcom d’Authuit ISO 151, Destin d’Eskadi ISO 151, Jerminal en Noir IE SO ISO 150, Ujade Ste Hermelle(be) ISO 150, Tipsy Girl Loisel ISO 150, Thara Nantuel ISO 150, Vara de Codre ISO 150, Valkiry de Zance ISO 150, Vivolta de Gree ISO 150, Verdict de Kezeg ISO 150, Météorite du Chêne ISO 150, Revann de Lojou ISO 150, Bsharah ISO 150, Mohikan de Keos ISO 149, Valmy de Kerser ISO 149, Rubis Tame ISO 149, Citizenguard Million Dreams (CSI5*), Dali PP Z ISO 149, Vagabond de Kezeg ISO 149, Un Soir D’Amour ISO 149, Vals Sauvageonne ISO 149, Die Hard of Roses Z ISO 149, Artist de Capucine ISO 149, Valmy de Kerser ISO 149, Qwintus de Kreisker ISO 149, Normandie des Joncs ISO 149, Playboy du Valdys ISO 148, Salombo de Kerglenn ISO 148, Si Bella ISO 148, Vialotta d’Ick ISO 148, Valine de Preuilly ISO 148, Volga d’Altenbach ISO 148, His Black Diamond Vt Arke(be) ISO 148, Etundel de Marocy ISO 148, Eyepop Semilly ISO 148, Romance de St Simeon ISO 148, Valance de Preuilly ISO 148, Carlo Mouche ISO 148, Veneur D’Isigny ISO 148, Le Diam de Rhuys ISO 147, Zique(nl) ISO 147, Unte des Forêts ISO 147, Queops Chatelier ISO 147, Quilimane Semilly ISO 147 (2008 4YO Championne of France), Quel Mec Gerbaux ISO 147, Batman d’Aiguilly ISO 147, Unteam de la Cense ISO 147, James Bond du Bec ISO 147, Alpha du Chene ISO 147, Qateline de Cholving ISO 147, Apremier ISO 147, Voila Lara ISO 147, Quisling de Kreisker ISO 147, Davignon Kdw Z ISO 146, Unesco du Feu ISO 146, Samourai de Colchic ISO146, Vip des Lacs ISO 146, Vibrato d’Enocq ISO 146, Upercut Kervec ISO 146, Une de Printemps ISO 146, Alkoumi de Solma ISO 146, Réplique de Bloye ISO 146, SPIRIT OF SEMILLY ISO 146, Swing de Riverland ISO 146, Quartz de Nantuel ISO 146, Tentation du Houlbec ISO 146, Undercover(be) ISO 146, Deko de Landetta Z (CSI5*), Diadarco van Evendael Z (CSI5*), Diamanthina van’t Ruytershof (CSIO5*), Pacino (CSIO5*), Diamonds Billy (CSIO5*), Dicasi Oh (CSIO5*), Dior I Z (CSI), Dior van Overis Z (CSI), Pikeur, Edel Vitseroel (CSI5*), Elzas (CSI5*), Enriques of the Lowlands (CSIO5*), His Black Diamond vt Arke (CSIO5*), Inca Boy van’t Vianahof (CSIO5*), Pembrook Milenia (4ème du Championnat du Monde des 5 ans Lanaken 2014), Salamera de la Nutria (CSIO5*), Sandi Puigroq (CSIO5*), (Silverstone G CSIO5*), Z Diamanty (CSIO), Brume de Rauracie ISO 145, Figo de Cordrac ISO 145 (4th of the 2021 6YO males France Championship), Bagatelle de Granlieu ISO 144, Calypso de Beaufour ISOO 144, Bo Ing ISO 144, Utopie du Barquet ISO 143, Amarula du Cerf ISO 143, Diamonds Are Unique ISO 143, Basquiat du Lozon ISO 142, Diamant de Riverland ISO 142, Bobung la Chesnais ISO 142, Blow Up de Banuel ISO 142, Apollon de l’Extase ISO 141, Bambino de Flot ISO 141, Carlino de Beaufour ISO 141, Corleone de Beaufour ISO 141, Fascination de l’Ile ISO 141, GROOVY SEMILLY ISO 140, Galikova de Beaufour ISO137 (2021 5YO female Champion of France), Heroine de Vains ISO 137 (3rd of the 2021 4YO females France Championship), etc…
DIAMANT DE SEMILLY also recommended ELITE in Eventing and is ranked 6th in the World ranking of the Best Fathers of Eventing Winners (WBFSH 2020-2021 ranking)
BCC + 14 (0,92)
Among the best products of DIAMANT DE SEMILLY in eventing, we note in particular: Toledo de Kerser ICC 170, 7-year-old vice-world champion in 2014, gold medal by team at the 2018 Tryon World Equestrian Games, winner of the CCI5* of Pau 2019 ! Unteam de la Cense ISO 147, Ventura de la Chaule ICC 150, Viamant du Matz ICC 161 Winner of the CCI3* Luhmühlen 2020, Chericoco ICC 139, Hampton P ICC 139, Rubis de Prere ISO155 CCI3*, Awani Semilly CCI3* etc.
DIAMANT is regularly placed among the best sire of young jumpers in the French Championships, but in quantity and especially quality. In fact, he is very often the Sire of young Champions. His offspring learn fast and is easy to ride which also explains that it is easy to sell horses by DIAMANT DE SEMILLY even to young riders or amateur riders and they are competitive at all levels.
He stands out distinctly from the other stallions by the average indexes of his offspring which regularly and from several years clearly higher. It is very rare to see such a regular superiority in a stallion’s progeny ! This has got consequences on the showjumping results of his offspring but also on their prices !
Further information
DIAMANT DE SEMILLY is the Best Sire of the French young horses qualified for the Championships in Fontainebleau through their quantity and also their quality.
In 2024,
Killaloo Tuilière, 4 YO Hunter French Champion, Elite. Jisco du Prieure, 5 YO geldings French Vice-champion, Elite. Jolidiam des Tocrias, 5 YO geldings 3rd of France, Elite. Just Do It SL, placed « Very Good » at the mares 5 YO French Championship. Idrogene des L and Isryan Fr de Kreisker, respectively 7th and 9th, placed « Excellent » during the mares 6 YO French Championship.
In 2023,
Joy MGI mares 4 YO 3rd of France, Elite. Jolidiams des Tocrias placed « Very Good » during the males 4 YO French Championship. Iamzelle Duverie, Ivoireblack du Cordel, Indie Rock Semilly placed « Very Good » during the mares 5 YO French Championship. Indeed de Paq 13th of the males 5 YO French Championship, Excellent. During the mares 6 YO French Championship, Hydra de la Roche is 15th, Hextase de Sancy is 16th, placed Excellent, Holidays d’Authuit, Haylite du Parc, Huppy d’OzetHeroine de Vains are placed « Very Good ». Hannibal Kervec is placed « Very Good » during the males 6 YO French Championship. In the males 7 YO French Championship : Galaad Tournerie is 13th and GROOVY SEMILLY 14th.
In 2021, Galikova de Beaufour won the 5YO females France Championship, and Gerbera du Marais is 2nd. Heroine de Vains is 3rd of the 4YO females France Championship, and Figo de Cordrac is 4th of the 6YO males France Championship.
In 2019, Diamant has the merit of having his son Djagger Semilly as the 4th of the 6 YO France Championship, and his filly Emeraude de Beaufour, 6th for the 5 YO female.
In 2017, Diamant is the sire of the vice World Champion du Monde of the 6YO, Oak Grove’s Darshan (ex. Boreal de Nantuel) and the Champion of France of the 5YO males, Catchar Mail, in 2015, the sire of the French Champion of the 6YO males, Vendome d’Anchat, in 2014 the sire of the French Champion of the 5YO females, Vertu Mesniljean and sire of the 4YO males French Champion, Andiamo Semilly. In 2013, Diamant is the sire of the 7 YO Champion, Shana de Kerglenn, the 5YO Champion Urano de Cartigny, the vice-champion of the 5 YO Un Diamant des Forêts, the 3rd of the 5 YO females Unte des Forêts, the 3rd of the 4 YO males Vendome d’Anchat. Among around 30 horses ranked « Elite » in 2013, there were almost 1/3 of Diamant ! In 2012, Typie is placed 3rd of the 5YO Championships and Uto Kervec 3rd of the 4YO. In 2011 Diamant de Semilly is the sire of the 6YO French Champion, Rock’n Roll Semilly, the 6YO females vice-championne Ratina Kervec, the 4YO females vice-championne Tradition Ixe and the 3rd of the 5YO females Shana Kerglenn. In 2010, he is the sire of the 4YO males Champion : Safari d’Auge and the 5YO males Champion : Rack’ham Jo. He is also the dam sire of the 5YO females Champion, Rafale de Kerglenn. In 2009, he is the sire of the 4 YO male Champion : Rock’n Roll Semilly, the 5 YO female Champion : Quandice de Kerglenn and the 5 YO male vice-Champion : Quointreau Un Prince, and also many others ranked Elite, Excellents or Very Good.
All over the World, Diamant’s offspring are also under the light ! In 2011, the 7YO Sires of the World of Mechelen have sacred 3 sons of Diamant : 1st Emerald, 2nd Utamaro d’Ecaussines, 4th Elvis Ter Putte. The 7YO Belgium Champion 2011, Erenice Horta, the 6YO vice-Champion of Belgium is Dartagnan Z and the 3rd of the 5YO is Gloria, are all Diamant’s offspring.The 2011 Oldenbourg Stallions Champion is a Diamant de Semilly x PhinPhin ! Emerald, vice-Champion of the 6YO World Championships 2010. Diamanti, 5 YO Champion of Italy 2009. Elite van de Padenborre, 4 YO Champion of Belgium 2008. Diarado, 2007 Supreme Champion of the Holsteiner Stallions. Jalousie Louvo, 2001 Irish 4 YO Champion …
Diamant de Semilly, Sire of Champions under the saddle of young riders, which proves the EASINESS of his offspring and its competitivity at each level !
DIAMANT DE SEMILLY is very easy to breed : He brings blood, strong backs, sound legs, very good balance, great canter, size, exceptional willingness and a lot of quality over the fences with natural very good end leg technique (which is very important with the end of use of the hind boots in some showjumping classes).
DIAMANT doesn’t pass on the Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS non-carrier).
You cannot go wrong with DIAMANT and his offspring is looked forward and usually very well sold !
Moreover, DIAMANT has got an exceptional fertility rate.

You can bring your mare to Haras de Semilly for being inseminated
In this case, the stud fee is divided in two parts:
€236 at booking
€2,900 excl. VAT
due when the mare is confirmed pregnant
before going back to her country
Live Foal Guarantee
Frozen semen
Sales conditions – France 🇫🇷
Further information
For an insemination in another AI center in France, or with Hanna Remans in Belgium or Gianni Pratelli in Italy, thank you to contact directly the AI center or send us an email at contact@semilly.com
€1,350 excl. VAT per straw
sold under contract (ICSI, live foal guarantee, taxes, shipment and cost for the health certificate excluded). 1 dose is sold with 1 Breeding Certificate and a maximum number of 1 foal born.
Due to the law of supply and demand, the price can be updated. The price of the day is the one written upon and on the attached contract.
For ICSI, thank you to send us an email at contact@semilly.com
Sales conditions – Export
Further information
If you want to order some straws, thank you to send us by email at contact@semilly.com the contract filled in completely and signed, and let us know in your email :
– how many straws you want to order
– the address for the invoice (+ VAT number if you have one)
– the address needed for the sanitary papers
– the delivery address (+ phone number) if you want us to manage the shipment of the straws
ICSI conditions

The doses’ quality is certified by Eurogen and DIAMANT DE SEMILLY presents an exceptional fertility rate.
ISO : Showjumping Index |
100 to 120 : Good |

Generations of Horsemen in the service of breeding and equestrian sports
Haras de Semilly
Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier
Email : contact@semilly.com
Phone : +33(0)233053144
Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887149
Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887151