(Comme Il Faut x Diamant de Semilly x Eyken des Fontenis)

SF – Bay – 1,71m – 2020


BSO +22 (0.38)
% PS XX = 56,12%



ISO 126

not tested







❝  Kenzo comes from the crossing of two of the best worldwide sires, which is well-known for producing excellent showjumping winners. He has only jumped clear rounds in his 4 YO classes, showing great potential. This modern stallion presents great ground coverage, a good balance, strength and an excellent jumping technique with a huge clearance over fences, carefulness and a very good back end. He is very enthusiastic and forward going. Kenzo is also very charismatic. He has a gorgeous front end, with a long neck line, a nice head and a good shoulder.   


Kenzo has a rich pedigree of 56,12% thoroughbred

Exceptional Pedigree ! His sire, Comme il Faut, a top performer in CSI5* with Marcus Ehning, ranked 8th among the leading sires of CSI winners in the 2024 WBFSH ranking. He notably sired the Paris 2024 Olympic Champion, Checker 47. Comme il Faut himself is the result of a cross between two showjumping legends: Cornet Obolensky (ranked 4th best sire worldwide – WBFSH 2024) and Ratina Z, arguably the greatest mare of the 20th century—multiple Olympic medalist, European Champion, and winner of the CSIO5* Aachen Grand Prix (1.60m).

His damline is equally exceptional, with his granddam, Argentina Z, a top international performer (CSI5*, Atlanta Olympics), and his third dam, Heureka, winner of the CSI5 Aachen Grand Prix.

Kenzo’s dam is a three-quarter sister to the CSI5* stallion performer Quebracho Semilly, who placed 5th in the CSIO5* Falsterbo Grand Prix (1.60m). She is a daughter of the legendary sire Diamant de Semilly.

HIS SIRE : COMME IL FAUT : A dream pedigree and a track record at the highest international level


Son of one of the World best stallions Cornet Obolensky, 3rd in 2016 (WBFSH World rankings), great winner riden by Marko Kurtcher, especially twice Eurpe Champion and 3rd at the Olympic Games.
He is the last son of the "mare of the century" 
Ratina Z, unforgettable with Ludger Beerbaum, with who she won the Aix-la-Chapelle GP, the 1993 World Cup final, the gold medal individually at the 1997 Mannheim Europe Championship, etc...


In 2019 he is : 5th of the Leipzig CSI5*W GP World Cup.
In 2018, Comme Il Faut was : winner of the Brussels and Chantilly GP CSI5* de Bruxelles, 2nd of the Praha CSI5* ... But he also won the Paderborn (2016-2017) CSI3*, the Madrid and Wien CSI5* in 2016, the CSI4* in München, the CSI3* in Gross Viegeln (2016) etc...
 He is World Vice-Champion of 5YO in Lanaken et 6YO German Vice-Champion ridden by Franz-Joseph Dahlmann. He also obtained the highest score on jumping during the 70 days test.

His first offspring generation has already the same jumping qualities than her father, and is famous to be exceptionnal. Many of his sons are approved, as: : Comilfo Plus Z (55th in the 6-year-old World Championship), Corsari Van de Helle, Coronet d'Honneur, Come Di seve, Comme Le Père, Hermantico, Comme Prévu, Call Me Carl 3 (Champion of France of classic cycles 5 years (Fontainebleau 2016) ISO138, Cairon 10, Faut-il des 7 Vallons, Come On Jumper ISO 154, Fuhrer de Maugre ISO 140, Hitot de Riverland ISO 135, etc...

Whereas others are starting to get their break as : Call Me Hugo ISO 138, Cherubino Chandor Z ISO 132, Classic Addiction ISO 146, Com du Rouet Z ISO 146, Comme Fly With Me Va ISO 146, Cordillo vd Bosrand Z ISO 153, Crack d'Aiguilly Z ISO 158, Cronchen ISO 136, Finesse de Maugre ISO 152, Glamour d'Euskadi ISO 132, Grazina Comme Il Faut ISO 143, Hawaii Semilly ISO 135, Himalaya du Milon ISO 134, Hollister Neufmanoir ISO 137, Il Vit d'Amour ISO 139, Ira T Elle des 7 Vallons ISO 142 etc...

HIS DAM, VENEZIA SEMILLY : filly of Diamant de Semilly

Venezia Semilly, ISO 120 at 5 YO before being put to breeding.

HIS 2nd DAM, MÉLODIE DE SEMILLY : splendid filly of Eyken des Fontenis

Directly used as a broodmare, this splendid filly of Eyken des Fontenis (son of Quidam de Revel himself) is a young broodmare. Quebracho is her first offspring and her full sister has been exported to Columbia. His next sister by Diamant de SemillyVenezia Semilly, begins the young horses classes in France with success, ISO 120 !

  • 2004 Quebracho Semilly, ISO 171 GP 1,60m CSIO5*
  • 2007 Real Dream Semilly, exported to Colombia
  • 2007 Tequila Semilly, exported to Algeria
      • 2013 Delight Semilly, ISO 118
  • 2009 Venezia Semilly, ISO 120 at 5 YO before being put to breeding
      • 2020 Kenzo Semilly, ISO 126 à 4 ans
  • 2010 Afghane Semilly, ISO 120
  • 2011 Balaika Semilly
      • 2019 Jamaica Semilly, ISO 126
  • 2012 Catangoly Semilly, ISO 123, exported to USA
    HIS 3nd DAM : CAMPAGNE : produced several performers

    She has also produced :

    • 1997 Jerk de Semilly, ISO 128, Champion of Normandy of 6 YO, approved SF stallion then exported to Ecuador
    • 1999 Leika de Semilly, ISO 143
    • 2004 Quick Shot Semilly, ISO 134
    • 2005 Really Semilly, ISO 128
    • 2009 Vangelis Semilly, ISO 130, stallion SF and AES
    HIS 4rd DAM : QUALMA

    She has also produced :

    • 1986 Une en Noir, ISO 126
    • 1994 Galoise
        • 1998 Kalise, ISO 123
        • 1999 Le Roi, ISO 115
    HIS 5th DAM : DJEMILA : great maternal bloodline

    She has also produced :

    • 1974 Ivoirine
        • 1978 Massina II, ISO 106
            • 1988 Alizé du Don, ISO 127
            • 1990 Calypso Degrinvil, ISO 118
            • 1991 Duchesse Degrinvil, ISO 116, ICC 115
        • 1979 Nustria
            • 1986 Ulvana du Puits, ISO 137
            • 1989 Bellino du Puits, ISO 124
            • 1993 Facilia du Puits
                • 2005 Risk du Puits, ISO 146
                • 2009 Vichy du Puits, ISO 147
            • 1995 Hizanka du Puits
                • 2001 Nacelle du Puits, ISO 146
        • 1983 Royale Star du Don , ISO 117
        • 1990 Cosmon, ISO 149 IE SO
    • 1978 Mack, ISO 117
    • 1980 Otaria, ISO 117
        • 1987 Vicomte de la Foye , ISO 129
    • 1981 Penelle, ISO 124
    • 1983 Ralto, ISO 140
    • 1986 Udjyna
        • 1997 Jalli Khan de Panoly
            • 2007 Top Gun de Ouistreham, ISO 121
            • 2010 Armide de Ouistreham, ISO 117
        • 2002 Oisive Duverie
            • 2009 Verostar Duverie, ISO 123
            • 2013 Diam’s Duverie aa, ISO 122
    • 1987 Vemilac, ISO 115
    • 1990 Castelle II,
        • 2000 Matinal Charbonière, ISO 118
        • 2002 Ode de la Charbonière
            • 2011 Belle Charbonnière, ISO 146
            • 2012 Chipie Charbonnière, ISO 147 Gagnante du CSI2* 140 Auvers 2021
            • 2015 Fleur Charbonnière, ISO 123
            • 2017 Hotese Charboniere, ISO 119
        • 2003 Perle de Charbonière
            • 2012 Cybelle Charbonière, ISO 127
            • 2013 Dragee Charbonniere, ISO 116

    In 2024, KENZO SEMILLY has only jumped clear rounds in his 4 YO classes, showing great potential. He has been licenced SF sire after the 4 YO French Championships. 

    KENZO SEMILLY starts breeding in 2025. 

    KENZO SEMILLY is SF stallion licenced ranked « Very Promising » in the « Young Male Genetic SF program » of the Selle Français studbook

    Trust the horsemanship of Levallois family for having selected the most promising young sires. There isn’t so much risk to use this up-and-coming genetic.

    Kenzo comes from the crossing of two of the best worldwide sires, which is well-known for producing excellent showjumping winners. This modern stallion presents great ground coverage, a good balance, strength and an excellent jumping technique with a huge clearance over fences, carefulness and a very good back end. He is very enthusiastic and forward going. Kenzo is also very charismatic. He has a gorgeous front end, with a long neck line, a nice head and a good shoulder. His back is straight and compact, so he can help strengthen the weak backs of longer mares. He is an easy type to cross with. 








    You can bring your mare to France for being inseminated.
    In this case, the stud fee is divided in two parts :

    €236 at booking
    €550 excl. VAT

    due when the mare returns to its country of origin

    Live Foal Guarantee

    Fresh, chilled and frozen semen 

    At Haras de Semilly, the inseminations and scans are included.

    Sales conditions –  France   🇫🇷

    Further information

    It is also possible to send frozen and/or chilled semen to another french AI center (shipping costs to add).


    Towards foreign countries, we can send you the semen directly or
    through our broker if there is one who works for us in your country


    750 € Live Foal Guarantee

    The doses’ quality is garantee and certified by EUROGEN

    ISO : Showjumping Index
    ICC : Eventing Index
    IDR : Dressage Index
    IE : exported horses ranked in international classes CSI /CSIO / CSIW

    100 to 120 : Good
    120 to 140 : Very Good
    140 to 160 : Excellent
    160 and more : The Best

    Generations of Horsemen in the service of breeding and equestrian sports

    Haras de Semilly
    Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier
    50680 COUVAINS

    Email :
    Phone : +33(0)233053144
    Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887149
    Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887151