(Le Tôt de Semilly x Eyken des Fontenis x Quat’Sous)
SFO – Chestnut – 1,70m – 2004
❝ Since his 14/14 clear round record at 4 YO to his rankings in 1,60m GP CSIO5* and Nations Cups, Quebracho has always shown great willingness, fantastic rideability, strength, scope and a top jumping technique. Naturally endowed with great talents for showjumping and super willingness, Quebracho jumped at the highest level (placed in 1,60m Grand Prix CSIO5*) !
Quebracho Semilly is also one of the greatest revelation in France as sire of showjumpers, placed ELITE ! He passes on all his qualities to his offspring and works well with smaller, light mares with blood, even the hardest ones. ❞


HIS SIRE: LE TOT DE SEMILLY : A sure bet for breeding, exceptional performer and breeder.
One of the best sire in the world.
Famous international jumping winner. ISO 177
He began to produce in 1985.He produced more than1000 jumping winners and 70 stallions. He has now more than 77% of its offspring which is indexed among those which are older enough for being indexed, and more than 420 present an ISO higher than 120, which is exceptional !
His outstanding offspring includes DIAMANT DE SEMILLY ISO 184, Itot du Château ISO 193, Picsou du Chêne ISO 176, Ismailia de Lormette ISO 173, Item de Quintin IE SO, ISO 173, QUEBRACHO SEMILLY ISO 171, Nervoso ISO 170, Ultimée du Chemin IE SO, Useful III IE SO, Venezuelian IE SO, Ashley (ex-Alizé des Isles) IE SO, Azrael des Joncs IE SO, Bad Boy du Bustelo IE SO, Boléro de Brecey ISO 172 et Birdy du Gisors ISO 152 (étalons HN médaillés d'or par équipe Championnat d'Europe jeunes cavaliers 1997), Chatheiline IE SO, Clifden d'Aubetin IE SO, Crack de Prissey IE SO, Danoso de la Haye IE SO, Desde Casa IE SO, Diam's de Quintin IE SO, Dohitzun Guernica IE SO (qualifié pour les JEM 2002), Duna de Roche IE SO, Dyaka de Semilly IE SO, Elkintot IE SO (18ème aux JEM 2002), Eloïse de Semilly ISO 140, IE SO (qualifiée pour les JEM 2002 sous les couleurs de l'Australie), Eros du Charme IE SO, Esther du Château IE SO, Etoile du Château IE SO, Evaie des Cabanes IE SO, Fétiche du Pas ISO 149 (champion de France des 6 ans), Fidélio de Ravel ISO 169, IE SO, Fidji du Fleury ISO 167 (étalon SBS, IE SO), Fitskeria Guernica IE SO, Flamenco de Semilly IE SO, Frisson de Balme ISO 153, Fugue d'Helby IE SO, Démon des Etisses ISO 158, Giotto II ISO 161, Haida du Castillon IE SO, Hamilton de Survil IE SO, Hardy Plardière IE SO, Harlem de Mescam IE SO, Heros de Sede IE SO, Hopi du Tillard IE SO, Idéal de Prissey ISO 170 (Champion de France des 6 ans), Idéal du Valon ISO 154, If du Reverdy IE SO, Eurocommerce Vancouver (ex : Isard du Rietz) IE SO, ISO 152, Ixone de la Sée IE SO, Jalby Dorcel IE SO, Jasper Bleu ISO 162, Jerico II IE SO, Jouvencelle de Thurin IE SO, Jumping du Rozel IE SO, ISO 160, Koi d'Herbourg IE SO, Korto Maltese ISO 156, Lambre du Chêne ISO 167, Lubie du Plessis IE SO, Lucky Luke du Pas IE SO, Dandy du Marais II ISO 154, Magnun du Verron ISO 153, Météorite IE SO, Nagir ISO 160, Newton de Vains ISO 155, Nienzo du Mirador IE SO, Nils de Lojou ISO 151, Osiris du Goyen ISO 161, Pebbles d'Yzenbeeck IE SO, ISO 160, Pigmalion du Rozel ISO 166, Quenndal de Lojou ISO 159, Regard de Riverland IE SO, Rocco de Bonce IE SO, Vulcano IE SO, etc.
The breeders who love the great damlines will appreciate the one of OKAVANGO SEMILLY, one of the Best of the Selle Français studbook !
HIS 1st DAM : MÉLODIE DE SEMILLY : splendid filly of Eyken des Fontenis
Directly used as a broodmare, this splendid filly of Eyken des Fontenis (son of Quidam de Revel himself) is a young broodmare. Quebracho is her first offspring and her full sister has been exported to Columbia. His next sister by Diamant de Semilly, Venezia Semilly, begins the young horses classes in France with success, ISO 120 !
- 2004 Quebracho Semilly, ISO 171 GP 1,60m CSIO5*
- 2007 Real Dream Semilly, exported to Colombia
- 2007 Tequila Semilly, exported to Algeria
- 2013 Delight Semilly, ISO 118
- 2013 Delight Semilly, ISO 118
- 2009 Venezia Semilly, ISO 120 at 5 YO before being put to breeding
- 2020 Kenzo Semilly, ISO 126 à 4 ans
- 2010 Afghane Semilly, ISO 120
- 2011 Balaika Semilly
- 2019 Jamaica Semilly, ISO 126
- 2012 Catangoly Semilly, ISO 123, exported to USA
HIS 2nd DAM : CAMPAGNE : produced several performers
She has also produced :
- 1997 Jerk de Semilly, ISO 128, Champion of Normandy of 6 YO, approved SF stallion then exported to Ecuador
- 1999 Leika de Semilly, ISO 143
- 2004 Quick Shot Semilly, ISO 134
- 2005 Really Semilly, ISO 128
- 2009 Vangelis Semilly, ISO 130, stallion SF and AES
She has also produced :
- 1986 Une en Noir, ISO 126
- 1994 Galoise
- 1998 Kalise, ISO 123
- 1999 Le Roi, ISO 115
- 1998 Kalise, ISO 123
HIS 4th DAM : DJEMILA : great maternal bloodline
She has also produced :
- 1974 Ivoirine
- 1978 Massina II, ISO 106
- 1988 Alizé du Don, ISO 127
- 1990 Calypso Degrinvil, ISO 118
- 1991 Duchesse Degrinvil, ISO 116, ICC 115
- 1988 Alizé du Don, ISO 127
- 1979 Nustria
- 1986 Ulvana du Puits, ISO 137
- 1989 Bellino du Puits, ISO 124
- 1993 Facilia du Puits
- 2005 Risk du Puits, ISO 146
- 2009 Vichy du Puits, ISO 147
- 1995 Hizanka du Puits
- 2001 Nacelle du Puits, ISO 146
- 2001 Nacelle du Puits, ISO 146
- 1986 Ulvana du Puits, ISO 137
- 1983 Royale Star du Don , ISO 117
- 1990 Cosmon, ISO 149 IE SO
- 1978 Massina II, ISO 106
- 1978 Mack, ISO 117
- 1980 Otaria, ISO 117
- 1987 Vicomte de la Foye , ISO 129
- 1987 Vicomte de la Foye , ISO 129
- 1981 Penelle, ISO 124
- 1983 Ralto, ISO 140
- 1986 Udjyna
- 1997 Jalli Khan de Panoly
- 2007 Top Gun de Ouistreham, ISO 121
- 2010 Armide de Ouistreham, ISO 117
- 2007 Top Gun de Ouistreham, ISO 121
- 2002 Oisive Duverie
- 2009 Verostar Duverie, ISO 123
- 2013 Diam’s Duverie aa, ISO 122
- 2009 Verostar Duverie, ISO 123
- 1997 Jalli Khan de Panoly
- 1987 Vemilac, ISO 115
- 1990 Castelle II,
- 2000 Matinal Charbonière, ISO 118
- 2002 Ode de la Charbonière
- 2011 Belle Charbonnière, ISO 146
- 2012 Chipie Charbonnière, ISO 147 Gagnante du CSI2* 140 Auvers 2021
- 2015 Fleur Charbonnière, ISO 123
- 2017 Hotese Charboniere, ISO 119
- 2011 Belle Charbonnière, ISO 146
- 2003 Perle de Charbonière
- 2012 Cybelle Charbonière, ISO 127
- 2013 Dragee Charbonniere, ISO 116
- 2012 Cybelle Charbonière, ISO 127
- 2000 Matinal Charbonière, ISO 118
She has also produced :
- 1972 Garcette
- 1987 Viky de Valois
- 1993 Furka du Garun, ISO 119
- 1999 Laos du Garun, ISO 113
- 1989 Balahée du Logis, ISO 131
- 1987 Viky de Valois
- 1977 Lutesse
- 1981 Palto, IDR 121, ICC 114
- 1982 Queltece, ISO 122
She has also produced :
♦ 1963 Tonkinoise, ISO 126
• 1976 Keruzoret, ISO 137
In 2015, QUEBRACHO is regularly placed at the highest international level, ISO 171 ! 2nd Nations Cup CSIO4* Linz, 2nd in a 1,50m class in Amsterdam CSI4* where he is also 12th in the Grand Prix, 11th GP CSI5* S’Hertogenbosch, 17th GP CSI5* Basel, etc.
QUEBRACHO keeps improving towards the highest level, being placed 5th of the 1,60m GP in Falsterbo CSIO5*, 2nd of the 1,60m GP in Hardelot CSI3*, 2nd in a 1,55m class in La Corona CSI5*, 3rd in a 1,55m class in Paris Gucci Masters CSI5*, 3rd in a 1,50m class in Donaueschingen CSI3*, 5th in a 1,55m in Verona CSIW5*, 8th in the GP of Lier CSI**, 9th in the GP of Maastricht CSI3*, etc.
From 2016, QUEBRACHO continues international competitions under the saddle of a young Ukrainian rider, Ferenc Szentirmai.

Other performances
In 2013, with his new ridder, Nina Fagerstrom, QUEBRACHO is coming at the Top Level ! 2nd of Zandhoven Grand Prix CSI***.
In 2012, QUEBRACHO is still regularly placed in Grand Prix : 4th of Villedieu GP140, 2nd of Deauville GP135, 4th of Les Pieux GP140, winner of Les Pieux GP135, 5th of the 1,40m speed class in Deauville, 10th of Greville Hague GP140, 3rd of Greville Hague GP135, … At the end of the season, QUEBRACHO went to Eric Levallois’ stables and won the first international GP : 1st of Le Mans GP CSI !
In 2011, QUEBRACHO is doing an excellent 7YO season, regularly placed : 5th of the 7YO of the Normandy Horse Show, 9th in the GP of Notre Dame d’Estrées, 5th of Auvers 1,35m GP and 8th of another 1,35m class, 3rd of the 7 YO GP in Deauville, 8th of Greville-Hague 1,30m GP, 3rd of Bayeux 1,35m GP, 6th of Les Pieux 1,35m GP, 4th of Auvers 1,35m GP, 3rd and 5th in Auvers 7 YO classes. QUEBRACHO is finalist of the French 7YO Critérium.
In 2010, Finalist in the 6 YO French Championships, he is 3rd of the Criterium and 10th of the 6 YO males Championship, ranked « Excellent ».
At 5 YO, he realised 19 clear rounds above 19. Finalist at Fontainebleau, he is also vice-champion of Normandy of the 5 YO and finished Champion of France 2009 of the Inter-Regional Shows for the 5 YO at Equita’Lyon.
At 4 YO, he realised 14 clear rounds above 14 and finished vice-champion of Normandy and 3rd of the French 4 YO males Championship, ranked « Elite ».
For more info, photos and videos, click on: webstallions
QUEBRACHO SEMILLY is placed since 2017 among the best sires of show jumpers in France and confirmes his place in 2022 among the ELITE stallions, which proves the quality, the regularity and the precocity of his offspring.
70% of his sons which have competed in jumping classes have been indexed above the average (100), dont : Banbaka Philou ICC 139, Being des Toons ISO 140, Bolero de Launay ISO 142, Browny Boy Lacour ISO 138, Chabada de l’Esques ISO 157 étalon (winner of CSI4* 1,50m St Tropez 2021), Divine Voila Lara ISO 141, … in France and abroad, we’ll remind especially : Quidam vom Ilum (CSI3* Switzerland).
Ranking of the best sires whose offspring are qualified for the 2016 classic cycles finales of the Grande Semaine de Fontainebleau – L’Eperon
QUEBRACHO doesn’t pass on the Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS non-carrier).
Further information
QUEBRACHO is placed for several years in the World Hippomundo Rankings on the earnings of his offspring in CSI and selected on the age of his oldest offspring:
14th in 2021 – oldest offspring 10 YO
21th in 2019 – oldest offspring 8 YO
18th in 2016 – oldest offspring 5 YO
QUEBRACHO has also produced :
Fentanyl du Plant ISO135, Bauloise la Chesnais ISO 134, Crusador de la Cense ISO 133 CSI3*, Cherry Nok ISO 133, Boyar’in de Dienay ISO 133, Gaia de Neveztell ISO 132, Carlo Sam ISO 132, Casall de Bethune ISO 131, Chacha de Bethune ISO 130, Fairy Tale Platiniere ISO130, Babou ISO 119, Baladin de l’Epine ISO 114, Banie de Keos ISO 116, Belavenir d’St George ISO 114, Belle Girl ISO 128, Bobino de la Trigale ISO 129, Boudchou d’Ha ISO 112, Bounty Coco ISO 117, Brabant Belladonne ISO 121, Buenosdias ISO 113, Camee de Seves ISO 116, Caraibes Dicel ISO 111, Cavalebleue Ar Trienn ISO 116, Cermione des Roys ISO 123, Cesar de Beaufour ISO 128, Chardonnay de Roy ISO 113, Coca in du Riol ISO 116, Cocaine Destel ISO 122, Comete du Pottier ISO 123, Cosma du Cyan ISO 129, Crazy Nice de Premol ISO 126, Crepuscule ISO 122, Crocus des Prés ISO 112, Cybelle du Bessin ISO 117, Danais Belladonne ISO 116, Desir du Parc ISO 112, Dinky Toys de Bethune ISO 114, Drution de l’Olivier ISO 117, Etincelle de Lolivier ISO 113, Flamboyant d’Arm ISO116, Gadone Rose ISO125 , Gaia de Neveztell ISO 124, Gold Eagle Vannetais ISO 122 etc.
More offspring from Quebracho

Baladin de l'Epine
Quebracho x SiTuViens

Banbaka Philou
Quebracho x Gavroche de Quincy

Banbaka Philou
Quebracho x Gavroche de Quincy

Banie de Keos
Quebracho x J'T'Adore

Bauloise la Chesnais
Quebracho x Bamby d'Elle

Belle de France
Quebracho x Qredo de Paulstra
Boyar'in de Dienay
Quebracho x Ascot dElle

Bracho du Beliard
Quebracho Semilly x Ahorn

Casall de Bethune
Quebracho x Come On

Cesar de Beaufour
Quebracho x Tourlouroux

Chabada de l'Esques
Quebracho x Apache d'Adriers

Cherry Nok
Quebracho x Piano II

Cocaine Destel
Quebracho x Plafiat

Coeur d'Amour de Coco
Quebracho x Pamphile

Diane d'Anbel
Quebracho Semilly x Oakland xx

Follow Saint Clair
Quebracho Semilly x Robin Z II

Franc Veneur
Quebracho x Germino d'Elle

Gazelle du Barsac
Quebracho x Fidelio du Thot

Helepole du Coq
Quebracho x Cincaba Rouge

Quidam vom Ilum
Quebacho x Galoubet A

Quidam von Ilum
Quebracho x Galoubet

Namaste des Rouvieres
Quebracho x Jarnac
Son of the Leading Sire Le Tot de Semilly with size and scope, QUEBRACHO crosses perfectly well with light mares, not too tall and having enough blood.
He brings to his progeny his size, scope, power, strong sound legs, nice conformation, good canter, top jumping style, and the most important : a fantastic rideability.
QUEBRACHO doesn’t pass on the Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS non-carrier).

You can bring your mare to France for being inseminated.
In this case, the stud fee is divided in two parts :
€236 at booking
€950 excl. VAT
due when the mare returns to its country of origin
Live Foal Guarantee
Frozen semen
At Haras de Semilly, the inseminations and scans are included.
Sales conditions – France 🇫🇷
Further information
It is also possible to send frozen and/or chilled semen to another french AI center (shipping costs to add).
Towards foreign countries, we can send you the semen directly or through our broker if there is one who works for us in your country with 2 different options:
€1,110 Live Foal Guarantee
€1,110 for 4 doses
sold under contract (ICSI, live foal guarantee, taxes, shipment and cost for the health certificate excluded). 1 dose is sold with 1 Breeding Certificate and a maximum number of 1 foal born.
For ICSI, thank you to send us an email at contact@semilly.com
Sales conditions – Export

The doses’ quality is certified by Eurogen and Quebracho Semilly has excellent fertility.
ISO : Showjumping Index |
100 to 120 : Good |

Generations of Horsemen in the service of breeding and equestrian sports
Haras de Semilly
Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier
Email : contact@semilly.com
Phone : +33(0)233053144
Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887149
Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887151