(Diamant de Semilly x Ugano Sitte x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)

 Filly – Chestnut – Née en 2022

Her dam, Brasilia de l’Abbaye is sacred vice-champion of France of the 6 YO in 2017 ! Classed 1,50m GP & won 1,45m GP, she is also the sister of the SF stallion ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY CSIO5*.

The 3rd dam of Macumba, Orièle de la Mare was French Champion of the 6 YO.



(Cornet du Lys x Diamant de Semilly x Laudanum)

 Filly – Chestnut (probably be grey) – Born in 2022

Her dam, Satine du Landais, comes from the dam line of the international showjumping winners : Fun du Quesnoy ISO157, Quaolin des Dames ISO153, Quinette d’Isigny ISO152, Jelca d’Isigny ISO151, etc. and the international eventers : Vif Argent Landai ICC150, etc.



(Rock’n Roll Semilly x Cumano x Uriel)

Femelle – Bai – Née en 2022

Her dam, Nuit de Rêve Semilly, comes from the great damline of O’Magalie which has also produced the international showjumpers Iris des Grez ISO160, the stallion Khan des Grez ISO157, … The sister of O’Magalie, Presidentielle, has also produced herself numerous winners : Candidat II ISO153, the stallion Dollars Boy ISO160, Fidjie Girl ISO157, Happy Girls ISO146, … It’s an exceptional damline from which come from many great showjumpers like Bagheera Gesmeraye ISO156, Marly du Mesnil ISO161, Kiwi du Fraigneau ISO173, Jympy de Kreisker ISO164, Kirfa de Kreisker ISO171, Once de Kreisker ISO171, Loops de Batilly ISO165, …


(Mylord Carthago x Cornet Obolensky x Diamant de Semilly x Galoubet A)

Filly – Bay – Born in 2022

Winner of the young fillies local show.

Her grand-dam, Tutti Frutti Semilly, was placed in 1,40m Grand Prix and her grand-dam, Dody de Chalusse, was a great international showjumping winner, ISO 162. she comes from the super anglo-arabian blood of Ifrane, herself mother of the Olympic Morgat ISO 177, D’Ifrane Chalusse ISO 169, … Damline of Mylord Carthago.



Filly – Dark bay – Born in 2022

The mother of MAYDANE SEMILLY, Quilimane Semilly, is a very good showjumper herself and she comes from one of the best Selle Français bloodline : her grand-mother, Revangika, was the sister of Krichna, amazing showjumping winner, ISO 173. From this damline also come many international showjumpers, like : Goldfinger GerbauxDu Gateau …


(Andiamo Semilly x Nartago x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)

 Filly – Chestnut – Born in 2022

She comes from an exceptionnal dam line! Her dam is the sister of other several showjumping winners like the SF approved stallions ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY (2nd 1,60m GP CSIO5* La Baule 2015), DJAGGER SEMILLY (1,55m GP) & FUNKY MUSIC SEMILLY (1,45m GP), but also the mares Brasilia de l’Abbaye (1,50m GP) & Bodega Semilly (GP 1,45m).



(Baloubet du Rouet x Diamant de Semilly x Quidam de Revel)

Filly – Bay – Born in 2022

Her dam, Dream of Semilly, is a filly of ETOUPE II, great showjumping winner, ISO161. She has been sacred Champion of France at 5 YO and also at 6 YO after having seriously injured in a truck accident at 4 YO. She leaves a memorable souvenir in the French show jumping world !
She comes from a wonderful SF bloodline which has produced many great showjumpers like :Cabri du Hequet ISO 150, Dorsay ISO 147 IESO, Grain de Soleil ISO 158, Gypsy du Chanu ISO 150, Alpha D ISO 161, Peluche du Banney ISO 156 IESO, Nade de l’amplière ISO 153, … On the third generation, we found back the wellknown Kavala from whom comes the Thurin’s bloodline !



(Andiamo Semilly x Tornesch x Come On x Jalisco B)

 Filly – Grey – Born in 2022

Her dam, Givenchy Semilly is a filly of Jiminy du Gisors which is also the dam of Come On Semilly (placed in 1,50m GP CSI3*) and the grand-dam of Sibell du Gisors (CSI Pius Schwizer).
Jiminy is a grand-filly of the wellknown Perle de Thurin, GP winner herself and also the mother of Birdy du Gisord ISO 152 and the grand-dam of Hasard du Gisord ISO 159. This Thurin’s bloodline represents of one of the best SF damline from which also come from numerous winners like : the SF stallions First de Launay ISO 189, Hastings ISO 172, Thurin ISO 159 and the international winners Jouvencelle de ThurinReine de ThurinAs de ThurinUlysse de Thurin…



(Luidam x Quick Star x Diamant de Semilly x Quidam de Revel)

 Filly – Bay – Born in 2022

Her grand-dam,Tahiti Semilly, is the full sister of the SF stallion NOOWANDA SEMILLY and Odyssée Semilly, and the 3/4 sister of Kirios de Semilly, all three in CSI.
Her great grand-dam is also the sister of Tati du Palis, herself mother of Jaffna de Semilly (CSI), Hussah TM (CSI) and the SF approved stallions ANDIAMO SEMILLYTOP GUN SEMILLY and MIAMI DE SEMILLY.



(Andiamo Semilly x Orame x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)

Filly – Dark bay – Born in 2022

MUSICA comes from an exceptional dam line. Her dam, Tristale de Keos, is the sister of the SF stallion ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY, French Champion at 4 and 6 YO, 3rd of La Baule CSIO5* GP 2015 and many other shojumping winners. Her grand-dam, Oriele de la Mare was also French Champion of the 6 YO.



(Diamant de Semilly x Canturo x Watzman)

Filly – Bay – Born in 2022

Full sister of the 7 YO Grand Prix winner Eyepop Semilly. Their dam, Vision de Ligny, is the sister of the showjumping winner stallion AWAY SEMILLY. Both are by the wellknown Wanda, CSIO showjumping mare under the saddle of Ludger Beerbaum and Rodrigo Pessoa. Among the brothers of Vision, we found back the sBs approved stallion : Plutot de Beaufour, by LE TOT DE SEMILLY and the international winner : Quisas Diamant, by DIAMANT DE SEMILLY.


(I Am Semilly x Heartbreaker x Contender)

Filly – Bay – Born in 2022

Sister of Chakira Semilly (CSI). A dream pedigree for this handsome filly coming from the Hanovarian stam 739 which includes the stallions Lamborghini Z, Robin I Z great international showjumping winner with Peter Ericsson, …


(Cornet Obolensky x Diamant de Semilly x Cumano x Uriel)

Filly – Black – Born in 2022

Her dam, Etoile deRêve Semilly, comes from a great damline which has also produced the international showjumpers Iris des Grez ISO160, the stallion Dollars Boy ISO160, Kiwi du Fraigneau ISO173, Kirfa de Kreisker ISO171, Once de Kreisker ISO171, Loops de Batilly ISO165, etc.

MAGIE NOIRE is the full sister of Just A Dream Semilly, 5 YO geldings French Champion and of the SF stallion Kzar de Rêve Semilly.


(Casall x Diamant de Semilly x Muguet du Manoir)

Filly – Bay – Born in 2022

Winner of the old fillies local show.

Full sister of the stallion I AM SEMILLY. Their dam, Alizée Semilly is a filly of Azalée de Mai II who has also produced several showjumping winners, like : Hermes St Lois (ISO 152 with Rodrigo Pessoa), Egerie St Loise ISO152, Fleuron St Lois ISO152, Icare St Lois ICC156, the SF stallion BANZAÏ SEMILLY, etc.



(Mylord Carthago x Cornet Obolensky x Diamant de Semilly x Galoubet A)

Male – Dark bay probably grey in the futur – 1,69m – Born in 2022

His grand-dam, Tutti Frutti Semilly, was placed in 1,40m Grand Prix and her dam, Dody de Chalusse, was a great international showjumping winner, ISO 162. He comes from the super anglo-arabian blood of Ifrane, herself mother of the Olympic Morgat ISO 177, D’Ifrane Chalusse ISO 169, … Damline of Mylord Carthago.


(Diamant de Semilly x Quaprice Bois Margot (ex.Quincy) x Muguet du Manoir)

Male – Bay – Born in 2022

His dam, Tea Time Semilly, is a filly of Azalee de Mai II who has also produced several great showjumpers, like : Hermes St Lois (CSI with Rodrigo Pessoa, ISO 152), Egerie St Loise (ISO 152), Fleuron St Lois (ISO 152), Icare St Lois (ICC 146), … You can find all the details of this great damline on the webpage of the SF stallion BANZAÏ SEMILLY.



(Diamant de Semilly x Quaprice BoisMargot x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)

Male – Bay – Born in 2022

Winner of the young colts local show.

MAMBO comes from an exceptional dam line. His dam, Bodega Semilly, already placed herself in 1,45m Grand Prix, is the sister of the SF stallion ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY,French Champion at 4 and 6 YO, 3rd of La Baule CSIO5* GP 2015 and many other showjumping winners. Her grand-dam, Oriele de la Mare was also French Champion of the 6 YO.


(Armitages Boy x Diamant de Semilly x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)

Male – Bay – 1,68m – Born in 2022

His dam is the full sister of several showjumping winners like the SF stallion ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY, placed in GP CSIO5* (3rd in La Baule 2015) after having been sacred Champion of France of the 4 YO and of the 6 YO.
Their grand-dam, Oriele de la Mare, Champion of France of the 6 YO, also proved her potential at the highest level (ISO 150).


(Mylord Carthago x Diamant de Semilly)

Male – Bay – Born in 2022

Winner of the old colts local show.

His dam, Banda Semilly, is a filly of the wellknown Wanda, CSIO showjumping mare under the saddle of Ludger Beerbaum and Rodrigo Pessoa. Wanda has also produced some approved stallions like : AWAY SEMILLY (SF), or Plutot de Beaufour (sBs) and many international winner like : Quisas DiamantBalalaika de Ligny, etc. Damline of Graciella (CSI5* Janika Sprunger).

MANDALAY is the full brother of the SF stallion KARAGANDA SEMILLY, 4 YO geldings / stallions French Champion de France.


(Kannan x Quick Star x Le Tot de Semilly x Night and Day)

Male – Bay – 1,60m – Born in 2022

MALIBU is the full brother of the SF stallion Fundao Semilly ISO 139, placed Excellent at the 5 YO French championship, won 1,35m GP & ranked 1,40m GP, and of Flanagan Semilly ISO 149, won 1,35m GP & ranked 1,40m GP.

He is also the brother of It’s Cool Semilly ISO 136, placed Excellent at the 5 YO French championship and of Johnston Semilly, placed Very Good at the 5YO French championship, Champion of Normandy at 5 YO and he realize a double clear round in 5 YO World Stud-Books Championship in Valkenswaard.

Their dam, Océane de Semilly, is a showjumping Grand Prix winner and the sister of the SF stallion Sarawak Semilly.
Her grand-dam, Ile de See Milly, is a filly of Revangika who was the sister of Krishnafantastic showjumping winner. This damline represents one of the best SF norman bloodline.


(Groovy Semilly x Calvados Z x Feinschnitt I van de Richter x Almé)

Male – Grey – 1,66m – Born in 2022

His dam, Céleste Mury Marais, is a filly of the international champion Fleche du Mury Marais with Patrick Mc Entee. It’s also the sister of L’Espoir, team bronze medal and 5th in individuals with Ludger Beerbaum at Aachen World Equestrian Games. The brother of Fleche, Falco Z, was also a great international winner in 1,60m classes.


(Pegase van’t Ruytershof x Diamant de Semilly x Dollar du Murier)

Male – Bay – Born in 2022

His dam, Esquisse Semilly, is the full sister of Right Now Semilly (CSI4*). Their grand-dam, Jaffna de Semilly, is also an international showjumping winner like many of her brothers and sisters :Hussah TM (ex Tia Semilly), ANDIAMO SEMILLY, TOP GUN SEMILLY or even MIAMI DE SEMILLY (SF approved stallions). They all come from a great pur SF damline !


(Casall x Diamant de Semilly x Muguet du Manoir)

Male – Chestnut – 1,68m – Born in 2022

Full brother of the stallions I AM SEMILLY ISO 132, placed Excellent at the 5 YO French championship and KEEP COOL SEMILLY. Their dam, Alizée Semilly is a filly of Azalée de Mai II who has also produced several showjumping winners, like : Hermes St Lois (ISO 152 with Rodrigo Pessoa), Egerie St Loise ISO152, Fleuron St Lois ISO152, Icare St Lois ICC156, the SF stallion BANZAÏ SEMILLY, etc.



(Diamant de Semilly x Quaprice BoiMargot x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)

Male – Chestnut – Born in 2022

He comes from an exceptional dam line. His dam is the full sister of Bodega Semilly (1,45m GP) and the sister of other several showjumping winners like the SF approved stallions ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY (2nd 1,60m GP CSIO5* La Baule 2015), DJAGGER SEMILLY (1,55m GP) & FUNKY MUSIC SEMILLY (1,45m GP), but also the mares Brasilia de l’Abbaye (1,50m GP) & Evora Semilly (7th 5YO Fr Chp).


(Diamant de Semilly x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)

Male – Chestnut – 1,66m – Born in 2022

Full brother of the Selle Français approved stallions ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY (2nd 1,60m GP CSIO5* La Baule 2015), DJAGGER SEMILLY (1,55m GP) & FUNKY MUSIC SEMILLY (1,45m GP). His mother, La Mare also produced Brasilia de l’Abbaye (1,50m GP), Bodega Semilly (1,45m GP) & Evora Semilly (7th 5YO Fr Chp). His great grandmother, Orielle de la Mare, competed at high level, ISO 150.

Des générations d’Hommes de Chevaux au service de l’élevage et des sports équestres

Haras de Semilly
Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier

Email :
Téléphone Haras : +33(0)2 33 05 31 44
Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)6 72 88 71 49
Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)6 72 88 71 51