(Allegreto x Le Tot de Semilly x St Brendan xx)

SFO – bay – 1,64m – 2000


BCC+10 (0.47)
XX = 61,5%

ISO 174

not tested










❝  Coming from 2 fantastic pure SF bloodlines, Made in Semilly had a long competitive career, regularly placed up to 1,60m. He hasn’t produced many horses, however regardless, their quality is impressive: more than 70% have been indexed above the average in showjumping and eventing. They show a great willingnesssoundnessscope, a very good canter, a good balance and reactivity. Their easiness and bravery have allowed several young riders to compete and be placed at CSI.  


Made In has a rich pedigree of 61,5% thoroughbred (cf. webpedigree)

HIS SIRE : ALLEGRETO : Very big international winner CSIW-CSIO, ISO 179.

 He is now recognized as an excellent sire. Among the best of his offspring, we can notice :Impec de Subrevil IE SO ; Insolente de Bedon IE SO ; Isatis Saint Jean IE SO ; Jackson du Parc IE SO, ISO 151 ; Jasmina des Pins ISO 155 ; Jolie de B’Neville ISO 161 ; Joline de Rouhet IE SO ; Kalimero de Polt ISO 151 ; Kannelle de la Baie ISO 162 ; Kenzo de Mescam IE SO ; Kiara de Mescam IE SO ; Kidit Saint Clair ISO 162 ; Kolea du Château IE SO, ISO 148 ; Krescendo Corubert ISO 156 ; Lady de Pléville IE SO ; Leader de Coquerie IE SO ; Limelight de Breve IE SO, ISO 170 ; Lucky du Reverdy ISO 160 ; Odin de Montsec ISO 150 ; Origan de Vains ISO 157 ; Qualine du Château ISO 151 ; Radieuse du Landey ISO 162 ; Radja de B’Neville ISO 155 ; Redskin de Riverland ISO 164 ; Sarcelle de Gys ISO 151 ; Sprinter du Dorset ICC 145 ISO 154, Sun Flower du Theil ISO 156 ; Syrus du Vinnebus ISO 154 ; Toscanini Malpic ISO 160 ; Unesco du Rouet ISO 170, Alanine de Vains ISO 163…

HIS 1ST MARE : EBENE DE SEMILLY: Filly of Le Tot de Semilly et full sister of the stallions Flamenco deSemilly, Vraitot and Dollar de Semilly

Filly of Le Tot de Semilly

Full sister of the stallions : Flamenco deSemilly (International performer and ambassador of BWP stallons in 2009 because of the quality of his offrspring like : Je t'Aime Flamenco and Wonder Boy III), Vraitot, Dollar de Semilly. It's also the full sister of the great jumper Iroise de Semilly (ISO 151).

The SF approved stallion Made In Semilly ISO174, CSI4* GP winner, is the first offspring of Ebène de Semilly.
The full brother of Made InRed Hot Semilly, has also been approved as an SF stallion at 3 YO and then bought by the French National Studs.

Ebene de Semilly has also produced : Titanium Semilly ISO 130 finalist in Fontainebleau at 5 YO and then exported to Ecuador, Very Well Semilly selected for the KWPN 2012 stallions test ISO 146, Al Capone Semilly, very impressive in young horses classes, ISO128, Captain Semilly stallion ISO 124, Best of Semilly, ISO111.

HIS 2ND DAM : QUENOTTE DU CHEMIN: daughter of the well-known thouroughbred St Brendan xx, is an exceptional broodmare

She has also produced :

♦ 1987 Vraitot, ISO 145, National stallion
♦ 1988 Artaban du Chemin, ISO 130
♦ 1991 Dollar de Semilly, ISO 149, National stallion
♦ 1993 Flamenco deSemilly, IE SO, stallion in Belgium
♦ 1994 Glasgow de Semilly, SF approved stallion exported in Ecuador
♦ 1995 Hérésie de Semilly
          • 2002 Opal de Riverland
                    • 2014 Esperance de Riverland, ISO 122
                    • 2015 First Lady Riverland, ISO 118
                    • 2017 Hopal de Riverland ISO 138
                    • 2018 Ifrane de Riverland ISO 122
                    • 2020 Katana de Riverland ISO 115

          • 2003 Papillon de Riverland, ISO 124
          • 2004 Qrack de Riverland, ISO 115
          • 2005 Revolt de Riverland
                    • 2010 Athlete de Riverland, ISO 131
          • 2007 The Must de Riverland, ISO 126, private stallion
          • 2008 Urisia de Riverland
                    • 2014 Edition de Riverland, ISO 137
                    • 2018 Ingrid de Riverland ISO 143
♦ 1996 Iroise de Semilly, ISO 151
          • 2000 Maestro du Vilpion, ISO 129


She has also produced :

♦ 1977 Lady du Montmirel
          • 1982 Quentine de Lady
                    • 1989 Bagad d’Andilly, ISO 125
                    • 1993 Floriane d’Olca, ISO 125
                    • 1994 Gollen d’Olca, ISO 111
♦ 1980 Oiseau de Feu III, ISO 148
♦ 1981 Pavotte, ISO 161
          • 1995 Haltea Dorcel, ISO 116
                    • 2006 Scala Dorcel, ISO 113
                    • 2006 Salsa Dorcel, CSI 140
                    • 2009 Vorea Dorcel, ISO 120
          • 1997 Jalby Dorcel, IE SO
          • 1999 Lory Dorcel, ISO 121, vice-champion junior CSO in Ecuador
          • 2001 Norka Dorcel
                    • 2005 Roky Dorcel, ISO 129
                    • 2007 Tosca Dorcel, ISO 112
                    • 2009 Vivorka Dorcel, ISO 113
                    • 2015 Forko Dorcel, ISO 110
          • 2003 Punchy Dorcel, ISO 130, CSI 155
          • 2005 Ruby Dorcel, ISO 135 

All the bloodlines of Captain Semilly won in CSI. His sire, Nartago, himself international performer, comes from 2 great international champions : Carthago and Sabatina des Prés (ISO163). Nartago has already produced some performers ranked in the World Ranking list, like Shamira Semilly (which has the same pedigree as Captain : Nartago x Le Tot).

The mother of Captain, a filly by the famous Le Tot de Semilly (ISO177), is the full sister of the stallions and showjumping winners Flamenco deSemilly, Vraitot, Dollar de Semilly, Iroise Semilly (ISO151). Ebene de Semilly has also produced the stallion Made In Semilly (ISO174, CSI4* winner), brother of Captain Semilly.

ISO 174

Winner in GP CSI4*, Made In Semilly has achieved a fantastic showjumping career which lasted for almost 10 years and regularly placed at international level, totalling 260000 euros for prize money.

During his career, Made In ranked more than 120 Grand Prix classes, including 20 victories !

He won the 1,55m GP CSI4* at Caen in 2010 and ranked several times in 1,60m GP.

Crowned two times French Champion at 6 & 3YO.

(Performance details below)

Other performances

2013 : 40 rankings ! Made in Semilly won Le Mans Grand Prix Pro 1 in September, he won again Le Mans Grand Prix Pro 1 in October. He is also 1st of Auvers Grand Prix, is placed 2nd of the SF Masters in Saint-Lo CSI3*, 3rd in Le Mans GP140, …

 2012 : 1st GP Pro1 Jardy,  2nd GP Pro2 Rennes, 2nd GP Pro2 St Lô, 5th GP Pro2 Pontivy,  4th GP Pro2 Greville, 6th GP Pro1 Greville, …

In 2011, Made in Semilly has done a great showjumping season. Regularly placed, he ends 6th of the best showjumpers in France (cf. ranking list below) and 2nd stallion behind Mylord Carthago !

Among his best results, he has been 4th of Le Mans GP, 3rd of a 1,45m class in Auvers CSI**, 2nd of Saint-Lo CSI** GP, 8th of the Normandy Horse Show’s GP, wins a 1,50m class in Dinard CSI***, he wins a 1,45m class in La Clusaz CSI** and is also 3rd of another one. He is also placed 2nd in a 1,50m class, 6th of the GP and 3rd of the Nations Cups in Lisbon CSIO****, 5th and 6th in 1,50m classes in La Baule CSIO*****, 5th in a 1,45m in Maubeuge CSI***, 2nd of a 1,45m class in Sainte Mère l’Eglise. He wins the 1,45m GP of Les Pieux, he is also placed 13th of Jardy 1,50m GP and 4th of a 1,45m, 7th of Le Mans 1,50m GP, 2nd of Auvers 1,50m GP, 9th of Auvers 1,40m GP, …

2010 : great showjumping season with a 2nd place in the 1,50m GP of Auvers6th in the 1,50m Chantilly GP8th in the Grand Prix of Maubeuge CSI***, 8th of the 1,50m class in La Baule CSIO, 4th in the GP of Lisboa CSIO**** where he aslo wins a 1,50m class, 3rd of a 1,50m class of Canteleu CSI***, 4th of the Normandie Horse Show GP where he is aslo placed 3rd in a 1,50m class, Winner of the Grand Prix of Caen CSI****, 2nd in the 1,50m indoor GP of Saint-Lô, 6th in the Grand Prix of Paris CSI** where he aslo wins a 1,45m class, etc.

2009 : the first victories in Grand Prix ! Made In Semilly wins Auvers 1,50m GPWinner of Deauville 1,50m GP, and many other rankings like : 5th and 9th in 1,45m classes in La Baule CSIO*****, 5th of a 1,50m class in La Courneuve CSI***, 10th in Cabourg GP Pro1 Elite, …

In 2008, he made his entrance in the Top level. His main results include : 4th of the 1,50m GP in Vannes, 7th of the 1,50m GP in Pontivy, 3rd of the 1,45m GP at Le Mans CSI*, 3rd the GP in Arradon and Fontainebleau, 8th of Auvers GP, 6th and 9th in 1,45m classes at La Baule CSIO, 6th of a 1,45m class in Deauville, 8th of a 1,45m class at La Courneuve CSI***, 3rd of a 1,40m class at St Lô CSI***, 10th of a 1,40m class at au Dinard CSI***, 4th of the GP of Herouville, …

Made In Semilly has mainly done his stallion job in 2007, covering more than 120 juments in fresh semen. So, he didn’t go out on competition that much, but all the time he did, he had good results, like his 6th place in the 7 YO GP at Dinard CSI***.

 French Champion of the 6 YO (ranked « Excellent »).

Young Horses jumping classes finalist at 4 YO (ranked « Very Good « ) and at 5 YO.

France Champion of the 3 YO stallions (1st section).



Made in Semilly has a very high percentage (70%) of his offspring which is well indexed among those which are older enough for being indexed in CSO and eventing .

He began breeding in 2006.

BCC +10(0.47)

This young stallion is the discovery of 2013 French young horses finals with an impressive up-and-coming offspring! The first generation of the Made In Semilly made a strong impression during the French young horses Championships in Fontainebleau by its quality. These are great sport horses with strength, blood and top willingness !

In 2013, Made In Semilly is placed 3rd Best Sire of the 5 YO qualified for the final with 5 offspring (so more than 60% of his offspring presents in this Championship), against 16 Diamant and 6 Kashmir, but in front of Mylord Carthago (4), C Indoctro (4), Quaprice (3), Calvaro (3) … which exceptionnal knowing the small amount of mares covered by Made In Semilly compared to other stallions ! It is very revealing of the great quality of his offspring !

Thanks to his best offspring, young riders are placed in international jumpings: USA Normande CSI4* ISO 156Utem de Quintin CSI3* ISO 141; Up and Down Tame CSI2* ISO 139.

Up and Down Tame

Made In x Helios de la Cour

USA Normande

Made In x Urbain du Monnai

Utem de Quintin

Made In x Diamant de Semilly

Utem de Quintin

Made in x Diamant

USA Normande

Made I x Urbain du Monnai

Further information

Among the small number of foals he had at the beginning, most of them have been remarked in CSO : Tamise de Vesquerie « Excellente » à 5 ans ISO 133 ; Tia de Grandry ISO 114; Toccata Margeotière ISO 110; Tresor de la Cote ICC 131, Uccello ISO 110 ; Ucello du Marais ICC 129 ; Udson Bay Gibay ISO 115 ; Ugolin des Roquelines ISO 130 ; Uka d’Ange ISO 121 ; Uleros de l’Abbaye ISO 124 ; Ultime l’Amandour ISO 130 ; Ultra de Sully ISO 112 ; Un pti Mec ISO 115 ; Unalike Domain ICC 117 ; Undying d’Urville ISO 110 ; Une de l’Isle ISO 110 ; Une de Tatihou ISO 125 ; Unika de Saint Aubert dans le cycle classique belge 4 ans ; Unile de Vaudry ISO 114 ; Unique d’Origny ISO 131 ; Unité du Phare ISO 124 ; Up and Down Tame ISO 139 a permis à Carmen Garcia Torres d’être Championne d’Espagne des jeunes cavaliers en 2018, CSI2*; Upsalin des Monceaux ISO 114 ; Upsilone du Vallet ISO 138 ; Uranie Dream ISO 110 ; Uranie du Manoir ISO 134 ; Urbain des Noes ISO 141 ; Urbikela Cael ISO 128 ; Urgande de la Bride ISO 124 ; Uriel du Fort ISO 116 ; Urièle de la Lande ISO 113 ; Usa des Forêts ISO 138, CSI 140 C. van Paesschen ; USA Normande « Elite » et 3ème du Championnat de France des 4 ans femelles, gagnante du CSI5* de Villach (2019), ISO 156 ; Ushuaia de l’Abbaye ISO 122 ; Utah des Etouques ICC 122 ; Utem de Quintin ISO 141 a permis à sa jeune cavalière italienne, Federica Biglioti de concourir en CSI3* en 2018 ; Vagabond du Bisson ISO 133 ; Valse del Bosco ISO 112 ; Veleta Normande ISO 127 ; Vic de la Billerie ISO 119 ; Aby d’Ange ISO 130 ; Agresivité de Codre ISO110 ; Aladin de Nesque ISO 113 ; Altea de Quintin ISO 115 ; Amitié du Gonge ISO 111 ; Babatcha de Quintin ISO 112 ; Banzail de l’Abbaye ISO 119 ; Beau Prince d’Or ISO 112 ; Boomrang de la Bride ICC 115 ; Dealer de la Bride ICC 120 ISO 115 ; Discorde du Riol ISO 120 ; Doha Semilly ISO 111 à 4 ans puis exportée en Espagne ; Dolce de la roche ISO 128, Donzelle de Coatmen ISO 116, Farandole du Bisson ISO 139 …

More products from Made In

Made In Semilly produces showjumpers with a great willingness and soundness, very good canter, balance and reactivity, showing lot of energy and strength.








You can bring your mare to France for being inseminated.
In this case, the stud fee is divided in two parts :

€236 at booking
€950 excl. VAT

due when the mare returns to its country of origin

Live Foal Guarantee

Frozen semen

At Haras de Semilly, the inseminations and scans are included.

Sales conditions –  France   🇫🇷

Further information

It is also possible to send frozen and/or chilled semen to another french AI center (shipping costs to add).


Towards foreign countries, we can send you the semen directly
or through our broker if there is one who works for us in your country

€1,100 for 2 doses (1 dose = 4 straws)
sold under contract (ICSI, live foal guarantee, taxes, shipment and cost for the health certificate excluded). 1 dose is sold with 1 Breeding Certificate and a maximum number of 1 foal born.

For ICSI, thank you to send us an email at

The doses’ quality is certified. Made In Semilly has very good fertility in fresh.

Generations of Horsemen in the service of breeding and equestrian sports

Haras de Semilly
Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier

Email :
Phone : +33(0)233053144
Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887149
Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887151