(Rock’n Roll Semilly x Quidam de Revel x St Brendan)
Mare – Chestnut – 1,66m – Born in 2020
Her sister, Undoctra d’Helby, is a great showjumping winner, indexed ISO147.
Their mother, Muse d’Helby, is the sister of the famous champion Circée d’Helby ISO159. Several international showjumping winners also come from this top damline like the SF stallions Gerfaut d’Helby ISO168 and Ivor d’Helby ISO145.
(Tornesch x Eyken des Fontenis x Rush de Ste Anne x Le Tot de Semilly x St Brendan)
Gelding – Bay – Born in 2020
His mother, Manureva de Semilly, is the full sister of Maeva de Semilly, who jumped at GP level (ISO145). Their mother, Flower de Semilly, who jumped herself at international level, is a filly of the great Ultimee du Chemin who jumped in CSIO and has also produced Feline de Semilly ISO 142 and the national stallion Funchal de Semilly ISO 153.
His 4th dam is also the one of the famous Normandy Night great international winner ISO 154 and mother of the stallion KALASKA DE SEMILLY (CSIO, Bejin OG and Lexington WEG, ISO 169) and Eloise de Semilly (CSIO, Jerez WEG).
(Tornesch x Orame x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)
Mare – Chestnut – 1,70m – Born in 2020
KALINKA comes from an exceptional dam line. Her mother, Tristale de Keos, is the sister of the SF stallion ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY, French Champion at 4 and 6 YO, 3rd of La Baule CSIO5* GP 2015 and many other showjumping winners. Her grand-dam, Oriele de la Mare was also French Champion of the 6 YO.
KALINKA SEMILLY is also the full sister of the stallion FESTIVAL SEMILLY, exported to Switzerland
(Ekano DKS*Semilly x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)
Gelding – Grey – Born in 2020
KAMARO comes from an exceptionnal dam line. He’s the brother of several showjumping winners like the SF stallion ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY, placed in GP CSIO5* (3rd in La Baule 2015), FUNKY MUSIC SEMILLY (1,45m GP), Djagger Semilly (1,55m GP) and also of mares such as Brasilia de l’Abbaye (1,50m GP), Bodega Semilly (1,45m GP, Junior European Championship 2022), …
Their grand-dam, Oriele de la Mare, Champion of France of the 6 YO, also proved her potential at the highest level (ISO 150).
(Tornesch x Apache d’Adriers x Uriel)
Gelding – Chestnut – 1,65m – Born in 2020
KANSAS BLUES comes from an exceptionnal dam line. He’s the brother of several showjumping winners like the SF stallion ROCK’N ROLL SEMILLY, placed in GP CSIO5* (3rd in La Baule 2015) after having been sacred Champion of France of the 4 YO and of the 6 YO.
Their grand-dam, Oriele de la Mare, Champion of France of the 6 YO, also proved her potential at the highest level (ISO 150).
(Rock’n Roll Semilly x Heartbreaker x Contender)
Mare – Bay – 1,69m – Born in 2020
Full sister of Chakira Semilly (CSI). A dream pedigree for this handsome mare coming from the Hannovarian stam 739 which includes the stallions Lamborghini Z, Robin I Z great international showjumping winner with Peter Ericsson, …
Gelding – Bay – 1,71m – Born in 2020
A powerful, supple horse with an excellent jumping technique worthy of his prestigious origins.
His dam, Columbia Semilly is the full sister of the stallion Niack de l’Abbaye, international showjumping winner ISO175, WEG Kentucky, London OG ! It’s also the sister of many showjumping winners like the SF stallion ADIAMOOD DE L’ABBAYE.
Pedigree 5* : CASALL x DIAMANT DE SEMILLY, the marriage of 2 Masters of Breed with the full sister of Olympian NIACK DE L’ABBAYE as dam !
Find out more :
– Her maternal grandsire, the World No. 1 Stallion 2023 DIAMANT DE SEMILLY , an exceptional performer who was himself crowned World Champion by team, represents the most reliable value in breeding, ranked for 10 consecutive years on the podium of the best sires of winners in show jumping, also in the top 10 in Eventing, best Sire of Mothers, best Sire of Sires, etc.
(Diamant de Semilly x Quaprice x Calypso d’Herbiers x Night and Day (ps))
Mare – Chestnut – 1,71m – Born in 2020
Magnificent mare by DIAMANT DE SEMILLY with a good, easy temperament, very chic, supple, with scope, blood, lovely loose gaits and application in her jumps.
Her dam, By Night Semilly is a filly of Lorina de Semilly, sister of the SF stallion KALASKA DE SEMILLY (CSIO5*, WEG, OG) and Eloïse de Semilly (CSI, WEG 2002).
Her grand-dam, NORMANDY NIGHT, was an international GP and Six Bar winner.
(Kannan x Quick Star x Le Tot de Semilly x Night and Day (ps))
Male – Bay – Born in 2020
Full brother of the SF stallion FUNDAO SEMILLY. Their dam, Oceane de Semilly, is a showjumping Grand Prix winner and the sister of the SF stallion SARAWAK SEMILLY.
Her grand-dam, Ile de See Milly, is a filly of Revangika who was the sister of Krishna, fantastic showjumping winner. This damline represents one of the best SF norman bloodline.
(Cornet Obolensky x Le Tot de Semilly x Jalisco B)
Male – Bay – 1,70m – Born in 2020
Successful crossing of CORNET OBOLENSKY, from whom he transmits his chic and influx, with LE TOT DE SEMILLY, who gave him his good bone structure and numerous points of strength, as well as an excellent temperament.
His dam, Santana Semilly, is the full sister of the international showjumping stallions ELKINTOT (JEM Jerez 2002) and Giotto (ISO 161) and the half sister of another international showjumper Iscariote.
Santana is the Winner of the 3 YO Show in Normandy and then vice-champion of France of the 4 YO mares and « Elite ». Her two first colts have been approved SF stallions : EL STAR SEMILLY and FIGHTER SEMILLY. His daughter, Haya Semilly, exported to Italy, won several 6-year-old classes in 2023.
Find out more :
- Pedigree: CORNET OBOLENSKY x LE TOT DE SEMILLY x JALISCO B, the combination of 3 Heads of Breed with the full sister of international performance stallions ELKINTOT (World Equestrian Games Jerez) and GIOTTO (ISO 161) as dam!
– His sire, CORNET OBOLENSKY, a great winner at the highest international level, has also made an indisputable place for himself among the world’s top stallions, ranked in the Top 15 for 7 years. His cross with dams by Le Tot de Semilly or Diamant de Semilly is recognized as one of the best by riders.
– His maternal grandsire, LE TOT DE SEMILLY, a great international performer and sire of the famous Diamant de Semilly and Itot du Château in particular, is recognized as Chief of Breed.
(Ogano Sitte x Diamant de Semilly x Dollar du Murier)
Mare – Bay – 1,74m – Born in 2020
Her dam, Esquisse Semilly, is the full sister of RIGHT NOW SEMILLY (CSI4*). Their grand-dam, Jaffna de Semilly, is also an international showjumping winner like many of her brothers and sisters : Hussah TM, ANDIAMO SEMILLY, TOP GUN SEMILLY and MIAMI DE SEMILLY (SF approved stallions). They all come from a great pur SF damline !
(Quick Star x Diamant de Semilly x Quidam de Revel)
Mare – Bay – 1,60m – Born in 2020
Sister of the SF approved stallions GOOD PLEASURE SEMILLY and HOT PLEASURE SEMILLY. Their dam, Betty Boop Semilly, is a filly of ETOUPE II, great showjumping winner, ISO161 which has been sacred Champion of France at 5 YO and also at 6 YO after having seriously injured in a truck accident at 4 YO. She leaves a memorable souvenir in the French show jumping world !
(Cornet Obolensky x Winningmood x Diamant de Semilly x Quidam de Revel)
Gelding – Grey – 1,69m – Born in 2020
His dam, Coconut Semilly is a filly of the full sister of the SF stallion NOOWANDA SEMILLY, Odyssee Semilly and the 3/4 sister of Kirios de Semilly, all three in CSI.
His 3rd dam, Fidji de Semilly, is also the sister of Tati du Palis, herself mother of Jaffna de Semilly CSI and the SF stallions ANDIAMO SEMILLY, TOP GUN SEMILLY and MIAMI DE SEMILLY.
(Mylord Carthago x Diamant de Semilly x Jalisco B)
Mare – Bay – 1,68m – Born in 2020
The mother of KRISTIE SEMILLY, Quilimane Semilly, is a very good showjumper herself and she comes from one of the best Selle Français bloodline : her grand-mother, Revangika, was the sister of Krichna, amazing showjumping winner, ISO 173. From this damline also come many international showjumpers, like : Goldfinger Gerbaux, Du Gateau …
(Andiamo Semilly x Calvados Z x Feinschnitt I Van de Richter x Almé)
Mare – Grey – 1,66m – Born in 2020
Her dam, Celeste Mury Marais, is a filly of the international champion Fleche du Mury Marais with Patrick Mc Entee. It’s also the sister of L’ESPOIR, team bronze medal and 5th in individuals with Ludger Beerbaum at Aachen World Equestrian Games. The brother of Fleche, Falco Z, was also a great international winner in 1,60m classes.
(Diamant de Semilly x Armitages Boy x Nabab de Rêve)
Mare – Black – 1,67m – Born in 2020
Her mother is the sister of JAGUAR VD BERGHOEVE (CSI5*) and the grand-daughter of the famous Fragance de Chalus, dam of the stallion MYLORD CARTHAGO (CSI5* ISO178) and several other 1,60m showjumping winners like Arc en Ciel de Muze, Bamako de Muze, Vodka Orange de Muze, … This exceptional SF dam line is detailed on the web page of our stallion NEWTON DE KREISKER which comes from the same the dam line.

Generations of Horsemen in the service of breeding and equestrian sports
Haras de Semilly
Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier
Email : contact@semilly.com
Phone : +33(0)233053144
Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887149
Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887151