(Heartbreaker x Lys de Darmen x Porsche de Bornival)

BWP – bay – 1,76m – 2000

SF, BWP, Holst, ISH, Old, Hann, OS, Bavar, Rhein

BSO+20 (0.95)
XX = 49 %



Qualified ELITE for jumping








❝  Placed among the best showjumping sires worldwide (40th WBFSH sire rankings 2023). Great CSI winner, who is careful, reactive and has a perfect showjumping technique. He also has an impressive conformation, with a lot of scope and a canter which is powerful and very well-balanced. Action Breaker crosses particularly well with mares who are smaller with good bone.  


Action Breaker has 49% thoroughbred blood in his pedigree (Cf. Webpedigree)

HIS SIRE : HEARTBREAKER: Son of the " Preferent " stallion Nimmerdor and international winner

Great international winner with Peter Geerink : 4th in Aachen CSIO5* GP, 3rd in Hambourg GP, Dortmund Championship winner, named best stallion in Zwolle, …

6th in the WBFSH showjumping stallion ranking list.

In Belgium, Heartbreaker is now sacred  » Keur  » as he is the best sire of winners since several years. Among his best offspring, we’ll remind :Action Breaker CSIO, Aisha des Carmilles ISO 138, Bamiro ISO 151, Forever Vd Hoenderheide ISO 155, Heros de Papignies Z ISO 147, Mic Mac du Dieu Démon ISO 156, Oplemousse Hoy ISO 155, Orlando vd Heffinck (Dirk Demeersman), Paradis Latin ISO 159, Pino 6YO world vice-champion, Quapitale du Lavoir ISO 159, Quarts musik (Gilles Bertrand de Balanda) ISO 171, Quasimodo vd Molendreef (David Joberti), Quiella (Julia Kayser), Radieux (Grant Wilson) vice-champion du monde des 6 ans, Riant vd Mosselcentrale (Hank Melse) 6YO world vice-champion, Romanov II (Philip Spivey), Saphir ISO 150, Skybreaker (Mikael Forsten), Souvenir vd Heffinck (Kristof Cleeren), Sun Light de Killem ISO 149, Team de Coquerie ISO 162 ; Topinambour (Penelope Leprevost) CSIO ISO 169, Toulon (Hubert Bourdy) ISO 181 private stallion, Uata ISO 156, Uno ISO 153, Unique van de Donkhoeve ISO 155, Ups’n down Vanden Bandam ISO 173, Vancouver d’Auvray winner in CSIO, Versace van de Ruitershoeve ISO 154, Watch Me ISO 151 (private stallion), etc.

HIS 1st DAM : JARME VAN'T STEENTJE: is a filly of the SF Lys de Darmen, reknown as one of the best sire of dams in Belgium

 Lys de Darmen, reknown as one of the best sire of dams in Belgium, with several international offspring like  : Oberon (Rodrigo Pessoa), Prima Donna (Gregoire Oberson), Medusa (Jeroen Dubbeldam), Kalifa (Gilbert de Roock), Qualité (John Whitaker), Nicos vd Landelijke Rijhoeve (Ian Millar), etc.

She has also produced :

  • Quasimodo van de Molendreef, propre frère d’Action Breaker, grand gagnant en CSI (1,60m) avec David Jobertie et étalon réputé, père du meilleur cheval de saut d’obstacles au Monde de l’année 2014 : Hello Sanctos !
  • Barchessa Van de Dreef, propre sœur d’Action Breaker, CSI avec Leopold Van Asten.
  • Gravin Van de Dreef
      • Vera de Pravia ISO 130
  • Celsa VD Dreef
      •   Ozzy VD Bisschop ISO 131
      • Quanta VD Bisschop ISO 132
      • Spark VD Bisschop ISO 138
      • Kaprice VD Bisschop
          • Qian VD Bisschop ISO 124
  • Opstalans VH Steentje
      • Dollar Boy Van’t Lozerhof ISO 132
  • Valentina
      • Canabis B ISO 137
      • Faithless VH Hellehof ISO 123
      • Hadise Van Het Hellehof
          • Origi Van Het Hellehod ISO 132
      • Ichento VD Caatshoeve          

Opstalans VH Steentje dam of Ashmir very good CSI winner, Dollar Boy CSI, Weber CSI.



She has also produced Whiney Van’t Steentje mother of the stallion Creme Van’t Steentje.



She is by the SF stallion Urao Brun, son of Mexico (by Furioso xx) which we also find in the 5th generation in Heartbreaker’s pedigree.

From this dameline also comes from Aisa van de Groendreef, very good CSI winner.

Great International Performer

Since his 4YO Champion of Belgium title, Action Breaker has been regularly remarked with the spanish rider Sergio Alvarez Moya and now fills the screen with his presence !

Among the best results of this great international showjumper, we can notice  :

7th of the stallions Championship of 2007 Mechelen CSI5* ; in 2009, 5th of the Mediterranean Games and Team Silver Medal, 6th of La Coroña CSI5* GP, 4th of Vejer de la Frontera CSI3* GP, several Nations Cups, …

In 2010, he is at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky,
 3rd of Aachen CSIO5* GP6th of Geneva CSI5* GPW, 6th of Montecarlo CSI5* GP, 7th of Stuttgart CSI5* GPW, 9th of Lyon CSI5* GPW, 10th of Dublin CSIO5* GP, 11th of Madrid CSI5* GP, 12th of Munich CSI4* GP, …

Other performances

In 2011, he begins with good results  : 6th of Basel CSI5* GP, 2nd of Cannes CSI5* GP GCT, 5th of Paris CSI5* GP6th of Bale CSI5* GP6th of Zurich CSI5* GPW7th of Aachen CSIO5* GP, he is also 4th of the 2nd round and finishes 13th of Leipzig World Cup finale. Selected for the European Championships in Madrid, he won’t be able to go because of an injury. He comes back in 2012 winning the Nations Cup in Barcelona CSIO5*.

For more information about Action Breaker, let’s a have a look on his website : or on webstallions.



Placed among the Best Siresof showjumpers worldwide

Placed regularly in the Top of the sires rankings : 40th Best Sire of showjumpers Worldwide in 2023 (WBFSH rankings) and placed since 2015 in Hippomundo rankings by the prize money of his offspring in CSI selected on the age of the oldest ones.

Qualified ELITE stallion in France due to the quality of his offspring in jumping. Best stallion of the BWP selection 2003.

Among his best offspring in CSI, we’ll remind the ones placed in Grand Prix 1,60m and CSI5* like : Acoufina PSDobra de PorceyoElixir ST, NLF FavoriteFarfelu du Printemps, Fifty Fifty IIIFixdesignFunke van het HeikeHangoverH. Big ActionPoint Break… 

and the well indexed in France : Canabis de la Folie ISO 151, Delverdie du Temple ISO 158, Jackpot E.B. 7th of the 7 YO Championships of France 2021, ISO 157, Just Do it R ISO 168, Djeddah Semilly ISO 150, Action Bellevue PS ISO 149, Isfandiyar Semilly ISO 139, etc 

He has also produced the stallions Kilimandjaro SemillyFalco Van’t Gavershof, Gentleman ST, the winner of the 2014 test of the 2 YO stallions of the Oldenburg studbook, …

Acapulco Z

(Action Breaker x Lux Z)

Point Break

(Action Breaker x Balou du Rouet)


(Action Breaker x Pageno)


(Action Breaker x Equador)


(Action Breaker x Carthago x Quito de Baussy)

Dobra de Porceyo

(Action Breaker x Indorado)

Just Do It

(Action Breaker x Baloubet du Rouet)

Djeddah Semilly

(Action Breaker x Calypso d'Herbiers)


(Action Breaker x Baloubet du Rouet)

Further information

Action Breaker is placed since 2015 in the Hippomundo rankings by the prize money of his offspring in CSI selected on the age of the oldest ones :

1st in 2015 – oldest offspring 11 YO4th in 2022 – oldest offspring 18 YO7th in 2016 – oldest offspring 12 YO14th in 2021 – oldest offspring 17 YO19th in 2019 – oldest offspring 15 YO20th in 2018 – oldest offspring 14 YO21st in 2017 – oldest offspring 13 YOStart to breed in Belgium in 2003. Among his other offspring ranked in CSI : Acapulco Z finalist of the 6 YO World Championships 2011 and winner of 7 YO classes in Sunshine Tour 2012, BebetoBelrose finalist of the 5 YO World Championships 2011 and 6YO in 2012, Eline, Elite, Elle L´A 111, Estoril 111 finalist of the 6 YO World Championships 2010, Equiline Van de MarswegExplosiev 111 3rd of the 7 YO Championships of Belgium 2011 and then placed in GP CSI3*, F16Faredo van de KappelFavorite vd KapelFilliberkeFiorucci du MiramarFirestone AB, Flower II, Freja van het ZevenvindelFull Option, Gold Action, Good Looking van het Heike, Gorky de Kalech, Grunwald de Kalvarie, Heathrow, Quinu de Pravia, SevenUnbreakable,

Start to breed in France in 2011. Among his other offspring indexed in showjumping in France : Action Blue Girl ISO 135; Actoulon PS ISO 122; Aloubet PS ISO 143; Ambassadrice GL Z ISO 130; Arnacoeur ISO 136; Calva d’Anchat ISO 125; Calino du Lys ISO 137; Calypso du Lys ISO 140; Canabis de la Folie ISO 151; Cocaine In Live ISO 136; Coffee Break Essarts ISO 124; Charro ISO 130; Couleurs d’Aix ISO 122; Dahy ISO 122; D’Action Cak ISO 128; Dame d’Auge ISO 122, Dame de Coeur Gaia ISO 144; Danemark ISO 142; Deep Sea Semilly ISO 145; Delverdie du Temple ISO 158;  Djeddah Semilly ISO 150; Dolce des Hates ISO 136; Domino des Celtes ISO 132; Dream Breaker ISO 140; Dreamfirst de Grandry ISO 122; Duty Free de Chamant ISO 124; Early Bird ISO 138; Efendi d’Argouges ISO 137; Feng Shui de Solma ISO 141; Finnland ISO 141;  Gatsby Le Magnific ISO 134; Gabber (be) ISO 139; Goelette Villers ISO 131; Good Bob ISO 134; Hacker d’Auge ISO 127Harrie’s Horse 111(be) ISO 144; Hook de Favi ISO 124;  HToscane de l’Enclos ISO 142; Instantspeed d’Anchat ISO 132; Invictrix Bois Chenu ISO 124; Isfandiyar Semilly ISO 139; Orly van de Looise Heide ISO 135; Pandora van de Grenshoeve ISO 133; Qualyska AB ST ISO 128…

More offspring from Action Breaker

ACTION BREAKER is a modern stallion with a long line and impressive conformation. He has a big canter, elastic, powerful and plenty of balance. He shows a perfect technique, quality and all the scope, always ready to give the best. He crosses particularly well with small mares with large bones. His offspring is well balance, big, easy to ride and shows a top technique.

ACTION BREAKER doesn’t pass on the Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS non-carrier).







You can bring your mare to France for being inseminated.
In this case, the stud fee is divided in two parts :

€236 at booking
€1,500 excl. VAT

due when the mare returns to its country of origin

Live Foal Guarantee

 Frozen semen

Further information

It is also possible to send frozen semen to another french AI center (shipping costs to add).

Sales conditions – France

Sales conditions – Export

Towards other countries, we can send you the semen directly or through our brokers if there is one who works for us in your country. For all information, please contact us by email :

Action Breaker has got a very good fertility rate.

ISO : Showjumping Index
ICC : Eventing Index
IDR : Dressage Index
IE : exported horses ranked in international classes CSI /CSIO / CSIW

100 to 120 : Good
120 to 140 : Very Good
140 to 160 : Excellent
160 and more : The Best

Generations of Horsemen in the service of breeding and equestrian sports

Haras de Semilly
Impasse de l’Hôtel Pohier

Email :
Phone : +33(0)233053144
Richard LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887149
Sophie LEVALLOIS : +33(0)672887151